

Refer to UF_PATT_ask_params for documentation.

Signature: AskParams(tag)

Parameters:tag (Tag) – Tag of pattern entity (or NULL_TAG for global setting)
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (originDisplay,maxMinDisplay,controlPtDisplay)

originDisplay(`NXOpen.UF.Patt.Switch Refer to UF_PATT_switch_e for documentation.`): Origin marker display status UF_PATT_on = display status is on UF_PATT_off = display status is off

maxMinDisplay(`NXOpen.UF.Patt.Switch Refer to UF_PATT_switch_e for documentation.`): Max/Min box display status UF_PATT_on = display status is on UF_PATT_off = display status is off

controlPtDisplay(`NXOpen.UF.Patt.Switch Refer to UF_PATT_switch_e for documentation.`): Control point display status UF_PATT_on = display status is on UF_PATT_off = display status is off

License requirements: None