

Refer to UF_MOTION_export_adams_anl_file for documentation.

Signature: ExportAdamsAnlFile(fileName, geometryFormat, stlParams)

  • fileName (str) – The filename of the .anl file to write. It should include the entire path to the file. The filename should end with .anl followed by a terminating NULL character.
  • geometryFormat (NXOpen.UF.Motion.AnlGeometryFormat Refer to UF_MOTION_anl_geometry_format_e for documentation.) – The format to export the geometry.
  • stlParams (NXOpen.UF.Motion.StlParameters Refer to UF_MOTION_stl_parameters_s for documentation.) – If geometry_format == UF_MOTION_stl, then this arg contains the parameters to export the geometry as STL data. Ignored if geometry_format != UF_MOTION_stl.

License requirements: None