

Refer to UF_MODL_create_surf_from_cloud for documentation.

Signature: CreateSurfFromCloud(pointCnt, cloud, csysMatrix, bndCorners, uDegree, vDegree, uPatches, vPatches, cornerSwitch)

  • pointCnt (int) – Number of points in the cloud array.
  • cloud (list of float) – Array of points [point_cnt][3]. The points may appear in any order. There must be enough points to define a surface of the requested order an they should cover the area within the boundaries specified below. The points should not represent a surface that is ambiguous in the surface normal direction.
  • csysMatrix (list of float) – Orientation - X-Y vectors, the U-V directions of the surface correspond to these X-Y vectors. The surface must be unambiguous in the Z direction. If this pointer is NULL, the absolute X-Y-Z of the data is used.
  • bndCorners (list of float) – Boundary corners - 4 points specifying the corners of the surface. The resulting surface boundaries, projected onto the X-Y plane, specified above, forms a quadrilateral with corners at the projection of these points onto that plane. The U direction of the surface lie in a direction approximately aligned with the 1st and 3rd line segments and the V direction aligned with the 2n and 4th. If this pointer is NULL, the quadrilateral is the max-min box of the input data in the specified X-Y plane.
  • uDegree (int) – Desired degree of the resulting surface in the U direction. Valid values are 1 through 24.
  • vDegree (int) – Desired degree of the resulting surface in the V direction. Valid values are 1 through 24.
  • uPatches (int) – Number of patches desired in the U direction of the resulting surface.
  • vPatches (int) – Number of patches desired in the V direction of the resulting surface.
  • cornerSwitch (int) – Currently unused.

A Tuple

Return type:

A tuple consisting of (averageError,maxError,maxErrorIndex,surfaceTag)

averageError(float): The average distance, in the Z direction, between all input points and the resulting surface.

maxError(float): The maximum distance, in the Z direction, between all input points and the resulting surface.

maxErrorIndex(int): The sequence number, within the cloud array, of the point where the maximum error (max_error) occurred.

surfaceTag(Tag): Object identifier for the resulting surface.

License requirements: SOLIDS MODELING