

Refer to UF_MODL_set_start_and_direction_to_section for documentation.

Signature: SetStartAndDirectionToSection(startingObject, startingPoint, direction, sectionTag)

  • startingObject (Tag) – The object, curve or edge, specifyingthe starting of the section. If the section is a loop, then the loop is started by starting_object and the direction is followed the input direction. If the section is not a loop, then the section can be started by other object, but the direction of the section is defined by the starting_object and direction.
  • startingPoint (list of float) – The origin of the vector defined the direction of the section. This point has to be on the starting object.
  • direction (list of float) – The direction of the vector defined the direction of the section.
  • sectionTag (Tag) – The tag of the section builder.

License requirements: SOLIDS MODELING