

Refer to UF_MODL_ask_thicken_sheet_parms for documentation.

Deprecated since version NX5.0.

Signature: AskThickenSheetParms(thickenSheetTag)

Parameters:thickenSheetTag (Tag) – Object identifier for the thicken sheet feature.
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (sheetTag,firstOffset,secondOffset)

sheetTag(Tag): Object identifier of the sheet body that was thickened.

firstOffset(str): The value of the offset from the face(s) o f the input sheet body that one side of the resultant solid body was. If positive the offset was applied in the direction of the sheet face normal, if negative the offset was applied in the direction opposite to the sheet face normal. Free the memory allocated for this output by calling UF_free(first_offset).

secondOffset(str): The value of the offset from the face(s) of the input sheet body that the other side of the resultant body was. If positive the offset was applied in the direction of the sheet face normal, if negative the offset was applied in the direction opposite to the sheet face normal. Free the memory allocated for this output by calling UF_free(second_offset).

License requirements: None