

Refer to UF_MODL_ask_linked_exterior for documentation.

Signature: AskLinkedExterior(featureTag)

Parameters:featureTag (Tag) – Feature tag
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (extData,numGroups,groups,numSubfeats,subfeats,massProps)

extData(`NXOpen.UF.Modl.LinkedExt Refer to UF_MODL_linked_ext_s for documentation.`): Feature data. The caller defines the UF_MODL_linked_ext_t structure, and pass in a pointer to it. This routine will fill in the structure based on the feature tag. The caller is responsible for freeing any data returned in arrays.

numGroups(int): Number of groups this feature owns

groups(list of Tag): Groups this feature owns (may be null)

numSubfeats(int): Number of subfeatures this feature owns

subfeats(list of Tag): Subfeatures this feature owns (may be null)

massProps(list of float): Mass properties (same as UF_MODL_ask_mass_props_3d) [0] = Surface Area [1] = Volume [2] = Mass [3-5] = Center Of Mass (COFM), WCS [6-8] = First Moments (centroidal) [9-11] = Moments Of Inertia, WCS [12-14] = Moments Of Inertia (centroidal) [15] = Spherical Moment Of Inertia [16-18] = Inertia Products, WCS [19-21] = Inertia Products (centroidal) [22-30] = Principal Axes, WCS [31-33] = Principal Moments (centroidal) [34-36] = Radii Of Gyration, WCS [37-39] = Radii Of Gyration (centroidal) [40] = Spherical Radius Of Gyration [41-45] = Unused [46] = Density

License requirements: None