

Refer to UF_MODL_ask_scale for documentation.

Signature: AskScale(featureTag)

Parameters:featureTag (Tag) – The tag of an existing scale feature
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (type,soPoint,soDir,soCsys,factor)

type(`NXOpen.UF.Modl.ScaleType Refer to UF_SCALE_TYPE_e for documentation.`): Scale type. It is one of the following:UF_SCALE_TYPE_UNIFORM UF_SCALE_TYPE_AXISYMMETRIC UF_SCALE_TYPE_GENERAL

soPoint(Tag): This is the tag of a smart point used as the origin of the scale feature. A NULL_TAG is returned for a UF_SCALE_TYPE_GENERAL scale feature.

soDir(Tag): This is the tag of a smart point used as the direction of the scale for a UF_SCALE_TYPE_AXISYMMETRIC scale feature. A NULL_TAG is returned for all other scale features.

soCsys(Tag): This is the tag of a smart CSYS used for aUF_SCALE_TYPE_GENERAL scale feature. A NULL_TAG is returned for all other scale features.

factor(list of str): An array of strings that define the scale factors. These scale factors may include expressions. For a uniform scale feature, there is only one string to use as a scale factor. For an axisymmetric scale feature, two factor strings will be returned, the first being the scale factor along the axis, and the second being the scale factor in the other direction. For a general scale feature, there will be three strings returned in this array, the first being the scale in the x-axis, the second being the scale in the y-axis and the third being the scale in the z-axis.

License requirements: None