

Refer to UF_MODL_ask_max_curvature for documentation.

Signature: AskMaxCurvature(eid, range, curvaType)

  • eid (Tag) – Entity id (currently curve only)
  • range (list of float) – Entity’s percent parameter range to be searched. For curve: range[0] = start percent of curve range, range[1] = end percent of curve range (so to find the maximum curvature over the whole range of the curve, use range[0]=0.0, range[1]=100.0) For surface: range[0-1]= start/end percentages for u-range range[2-3]= start/end percentages for v-range
  • curvaType (int) – Curvature type of the surface. Not used for curve

A Tuple

Return type:

A tuple consisting of (maxCurva,status)

maxCurva(list of float): Data for the point where curvature is a maximum (curve only) max_curva[0] = parameter value (not percentage) between curve min and max parameters max_curva[1-3] = point coordinates max_curva[4] = curvature value

status(int): 1 if the curve has constant curvature - in this case, only the curvature value is returned 0 a best (not necessarily unique) maximum curvature point is returned

License requirements: None