

Refer to UF_MODL_ask_face_data for documentation.

Signature: AskFaceData(face)

Parameters:face (Tag) – Face obj_id
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (type,point,dir,box,radius,radData,normDir)

type(int): Face type is NX surface type code 16 = cylinder 17 = cone 18 = sphere 19 = revolved (toroidal) 20 = extruded 22 = bounded plane 23 = fillet (blend) 43 = b-surface 65 = offset surface 66 = foreign surface 67 = Convergent surface

point(list of float): Point information is returned according to the value of type as follows. Plane = Position in plane Cylinder= Position on axis Cone = Position o n axis Sphere = Center position Torus = Center position Revolved = Position on axis

dir(list of float): Direction information is returned according to the value of type as follows. Plane = Normal direction Cylinder= Axis direction Cone = Axis direction Torus = Axis direction Revolved = Axis direction

box(list of float): Face boundary. The coordinates of the opposite corners of a rectangular box with sides parallel to X, Y, and Z axes (Absolute Coordinate System) are returned. The box contains the specified face and is usually close to the minimum possible size, but this is not guaranteed. box[0] = Xmin box[1] = Ymin box[2] = Zmin box[3] = Xmax box[4] = Ymax box[5] = Zmax

radius(float): Face major radius: For a cone, the radius is taken at the point[3] position on the axis. For a torus, the radius is taken at the major axis.

radData(float): Face minor radius: only a torus or cone has rad_data as a minor radius. For a cone, rad_data is the half angle in radians. For a torus, rad_data is taken at the minor axis.

normDir(int): Face normal direction: +1 if the face normal is in the same direction as the surface normal (cross product of the U- and V-derivative vectors), -1 if reversed.

License requirements: None