

Refer to UF_FACET_ask_surface_data_for_face for documentation.

Signature: AskSurfaceDataForFace(facetFace)

Parameters:facetFace (Tag) – The tag of the facet face
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (type,pos,dir,radius,radiusData,sense,fromCachedAnalytics)

type(int): The surface type. The value of this type corresponds with the type in the NxOpen::Face::FaceType enum. If not analytic (plane/cylinder/cone/torus/sphere) then this will be FaceTypeUndefined.

pos(list of float): The origin: 3D point: Point on plane Point on axis(Cylinder, Cone) Centre point(Sphere, Torus)

dir(list of float): The normal direction for planes and axis for others. NA for Sphere.

radius(float): Radius: Not valid for planes Radius(Cylinder, Sphere, Torus(Major Axis), Cone(Radius in plane passing through position)

radiusData(float): Not valid for planes, cylinders, spheres for cones this is the half angle, for torus it is the minor radius.

sense(bool): The sense of the face with respect to the normal direction

fromCachedAnalytics(bool): true - If the surface data was obtained from the lightweight analytic data cached in the facet model and false - if it was derived using an inferencing algorithm.

License requirements: None