

Refer to UF_DRF_ask_ud_symbol_font_info for documentation.

Signature: AskUdSymbolFontInfo(udSymbolTag)

Parameters:udSymbolTag (Tag) – Tag of User Defined Symbol
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (numSymbols,fontInfo)

numSymbols(int): Number of User Defined Symbol

fontInfo(list of ``NXOpen.UF.Drf.UdSymbolFontInfo` Refer to UF_DRF_ud_symbol_font_info_s for documentation.`): Data structure which contains the User Defined Symbol font number, left and right connection points, factor, length, height and the count of strokes and stoke data. Use UF_DRF_free_font to deallocate memory when done.

License requirements: None