

Refer to UF_DRF_ask_id_symbol_geometry for documentation.

Signature: AskIdSymbolGeometry(idSymbol)

Parameters:idSymbol (Tag) – The ID symbol to query
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (numLines,lines,numArcs,arcs)

numLines(int): The number of lines in the ID symbol

lines(list of float): Array of lines - 3d start, 3d end, the first line is lines[0] - lines[5] the second line is lines[6] - lines[11] ... the nth line (n counting from 1) is lines[6 * (n - 1)] - lines[6 * n - 1]. Line end points are in the coordinate system of the id symbol, as are other coordinates returned by UF_DRF routines. If the idysmbol is not on a drawing, the coordinates in absolute can be obtained by multiplying by the transpose of the matrix returned by the function UF_CSYS_ask_matrix_values for the matrix returned by UF_CSYS_ask_matrix_of_object. This array must be freed by calling UF_free.

numArcs(int): the number of arcs in the ID symbol

arcs(list of ``NXOpen.UF.Drf.ArcInfo` Refer to UF_DRF_arc_info_s for documentation.`): array of arcs (center is in coordinate system of the id symbol). This array must be freed by calling UF_free.

License requirements: None