

Refer to UF_DRAW_ask_sxline_display for documentation.

Signature: AskSxlineDisplay(sxlineTag)

Parameters:sxlineTag (Tag) – Tag of section line
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (arrowParms,sxlineDisplay)

arrowParms(`NXOpen.UF.Draw.ArrowParms Refer to UF_DRAW_arrow_parms_s for documentation.`): Section line arrow parameters

sxlineDisplay(`NXOpen.UF.Draw.SxlineDisplay Refer to UF_DRAW_sxline_display_e for documentation.`): Section line display: UF_DRAW_display_sxline = display section line. UF_DRAW_no_display_sxline = do not display section line.

License requirements: None