

Refer to UF_DRAW_ask_group_of_curve for documentation.

Signature: AskGroupOfCurve(curveTag)

Parameters:curveTag (Tag) – Tag of curve
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (groupTag,groupType,groupSubtype)

groupTag(Tag): Tag of drawing member view curve group. The group_tag is a NULL_TAG if curve is not a drafting edge.

groupType(int): Type of drawing member view curve group, either: UF_solid_silhouette_type, UF_solid_section_type or UF_curve_group_type

groupSubtype(int): Subtype of drawing member view curve group: If group is UF_solid_silhouette_type, either UF_solid_silhouette_sl_subtype, UF_solid_silhouette_uvhatch_subtype, or UF_vicurve_subtype Else if group is UF_curve_group_type, either UF_dropped_edge_group_subtype or UF_simplified_group_subtype Else = 0

License requirements: None