

Refer to UF_DRAW_ask_boundary_curves for documentation.

Signature: AskBoundaryCurves(viewTag)

Parameters:viewTag (Tag) – Tag of view whose view boundary curves are to be obtained.
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (tolerance,numCurves,boundaryCurves)

tolerance(float): The chain tolerance used to create the arbitrary clipping bounds for this view.

numCurves(int): Count of structures. = 0 if view does not have an arbitrary boundary defined.

boundaryCurves(list of ``NXOpen.UF.Draw.ViewBoundary` Refer to UF_DRAW_view_boundary_s for documentation.`): Pointer to view boundary structure. Use UF_DRAW_free_boundary to free the pointer. If a boundary curve has been deleted, its curve_tag will be NULL.

License requirements: None