

Refer to UF_CURVE_section_ask_perpcrv_data for documentation.

Signature: SectionAskPerpcrvData(sectionCurvesFeature)

Parameters:sectionCurvesFeature (Tag) – The section curvefeature to inquire about.
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (generalData,perpcrvData)

generalData(`NXOpen.UF.Curve.SectionGeneralData Refer to UF_CURVE_section_general_data_s for documentation.`): The general data describing this section curve feature. Use UF_free to free the array, general_data->objects

perpcrvData(`NXOpen.UF.Curve.SectionPerpcrvData Refer to UF_CURVE_section_perpcrv_data_s for documentation.`): The data definingthe set of planes perpendicular to a curve for this feature.

License requirements: None