

Refer to UF_CAM_ask_auto_blank for documentation.

Signature: AskAutoBlank(objectTag)

Parameters:objectTag (Tag) – the operation or geometry group containing blank definition
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (geomType,offset)

geomType(`NXOpen.UF.Cam.BlankGeomType Refer to UF_CAM_blank_geom_type_e for documentation.`): type type of blank geometry defined

offset(list of float): For geom_type = UF_CAM_auto_block_type, offset is an array of positive deltas to a minimal box aligned with the MCS which contains the specified part geometry. Offset[0] = offset along +XM Offset[1] = offset along -XM Offset[2] = offset along +YM Offset[3] = offset along -YM Offset[4] = offset along +ZM Offset[5] = offset along -ZM For geom_type = UF_CAM_offset_from_part, offset is a single positive offset from the specified Part geometry. Offset[0] = global offset of part geometry Offset[1-5] unused

License requirements: None