UF_SF_COLOR_attr_s (view source)
Defined in: uf_sf_legend.h
Also known as:
The following are the definitions used to define parameters of the
scalar-to-color mapping that is used in rendering fringe displays.

Data Members

Number of of discrete ranges of scalar
values in the scalar-to-color mapping.

double *
Array of size num_ranges defining
ranges of scalar values, each of which
maps to a different color.
It is an array of (num_ranges + 1) double
scalar values, where the minimum and
maximum scalar value for the ith range
are given by ranges[i] and
and ranges[i + 1], respectively.
The scalar ranges map to the colors in the
rgb_values field, if specified, or to linear
increments of the HSV blue-to-red model,

double *
Array of RGB triples where each triple
consists of red, green, and blue
double-precision numbers.
Scalar values in the ith range map to the
ith RGB triple, given by:
{ rgb_values[(i], <-- RED
rgb_values[(i + 1], <-- GREEN
rgb_values[(i + 2] } <-- BLUE

The size of the array of triples is num_ranges3