UF_PS_ask_current_highest_tag (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
User Function routine to determine the highest parasolid tag being used in the
current session

Internal and External

Original release was in V18.0.4
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_current_highest_tag
tag_t * highest_tag
tag_t *highest_tagOutputThe highest parasolid
being used in the current


UF_PS_ask_current_partition (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Return the current Parasolid partition. A partition is an area within
Parasolid where geometry can be created and deleted. This function
is only useful for a site with access to the Parasolid Solid Modeler.
NX usually creates a new partition for each solid body that
is created. Boolean operations are not allowed on bodies in different

Internal and External

Original release was in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_current_partition
tag_t * partition
tag_t *partitionOutputTag of the current Parasolid partition


UF_PS_ask_entity_partition (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Returns the Parasolid partition that a Parasolid object resides in.
This function is only useful for a site with access to the Parasolid Solid

Internal and External

Original release was in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_entity_partition
tag_t entity,
tag_t * partition
tag_tentityInputTag of the parasolid entity
tag_t *partitionOutputTag of the Parasolid partition


UF_PS_ask_journal_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Retrieves information pertaining to Parasolid journaling. The
information that is currently returned through this command includes:
The current status of Parasolid journaling.

When Parasolid journaling is enabled, each call to a
Parasolid routine and the values returned from the routine
are recorded in a journal file. When Parasolid journaling is
disabled, the calls to Parasolid routines are not recorded in
the journal file.

The length of the Parasolid journal file name.
The name of the Parasolid journal file.

If the -jou parameter is not specified when the command to
initiate the NX session is entered, the Parasolid
journal file is created with a default name. Utilizing the
-jou parameter to specify a journal file name enables
Parasolid journaling.

Return code
0 = Requested information accessed
not 0 = Unable to retrieve the requested information


See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_journal_data
int * journal_state,
char journal_name [ MAX_FSPEC_BUFSIZE ]
int *journal_stateOutputCurrent state of Parasolid journaling
charjournal_name [ MAX_FSPEC_BUFSIZE ] OutputName of the Parasolid journal file.


UF_PS_ask_kernel_version (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Returns information about the version of the parasolid kernel currently

Internal and External

Original release NX2.0
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_kernel_version
UF_PS_kernel_version_t * version_data
UF_PS_kernel_version_t *version_dataInput- Pointer to a validly allocated
The results reside in that
structure after the call.


UF_PS_ask_object_of_ps_tag (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Gets the NX object identifier that corresponds to a given
Parasolid tag. The object identifier that is returned is always to the
prototype object. If an object identifier is not found for the Parasolid
tag, a NULL_TAG is returned. This function is intended to be used by
sites with direct access to the Parasolid solid modeler.

Return code
0 = Object identifier returned.
not 0 = Unable to find the object identifier for the
given Parasolid tag.


See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_object_of_ps_tag
tag_t ps_tag,
tag_t * obj_id
tag_tps_tagInputThe Parasolid tag to lookup
tag_t *obj_idOutputThe NX object identifier that corresponds
to the input Parasolid tag.
NULL_TAG = Could not find an object
identifier to correspond to the given Parasolid tag.


UF_PS_ask_ps_tag_of_object (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Gets the Parasolid tag that corresponds to the given object identifier.
This command accepts solid body, solid edge or solid face
object identifiers. When the object identifier refers to an object
occurrence, the Parasolid tag that corresponds to the prototype object
is returned. If a Parasolid tag is not found for the object identifier, a
NULL_TAG is returned.
NOTE: This command is intended to be used by sites with direct
access to the Parasolid solid modeler.

Return code
0 = Parasolid tag returned.
not 0 = Unable to return the Parasolid tag for the
given object identifier.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_ps_tag_of_object
tag_t obj_id,
tag_t * ps_tag
tag_tobj_idInputThe object identifier to lookup
tag_t *ps_tagOutputThe Parasolid tag that corresponds to the input
object identifier.
NULL_TAG = Could not find a Parasolid tag
to correspond to the given object identifier.


UF_PS_ask_tags_remaining (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
This function will return the number of parasolid tags that are available in the
current session

Internal and External

Original release was in V18.0.4
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_ask_tags_remaining
int * tags_remaining
int *tags_remainingOutputThe number of parasolid tags
that are available in the
current session


UF_PS_create_obj_from_ps_tag (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Creates an NX object from a Parasolid tag. The Parasolid tag must be
the tag of a Parasolid body. If a call is made directly to Parasolid to create
a solid body and a Parasolid tag is received by the application, that tag is
unknown to NX. This routine can be used to embed the Parasolid body
into the NX's data model. The Parasolid object becomes part of
NX's data model and the NX's tag identifying the new object
is returned.

Return code
0 = Object identifier returned.
not 0 = Unable to create an NX object from the
given Parasolid tag.

Required License(s)

int UF_PS_create_obj_from_ps_tag
tag_t ps_tag,
tag_t * ug_tag
tag_tps_tagInputThe Parasolid tag of a Parasolid body
tag_t *ug_tagOutputNX tag for Parasolid body


UF_PS_create_partition (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Creates a Parasolid partition and sets it as the current partition.
A partition is an area within Parasolid where geometry can be created
and deleted. This function is only useful for a site with access to
the Parasolid Solid Modeler. NX usually creates a new partition
for each solid body that is created. Boolean operations are not allowed on
bodies in different partitions.

Internal and External

Original release was in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_create_partition
tag_t * partition
tag_t *partitionOutputTag of the new Parasolid partition


UF_PS_create_ps_trimmed_curve (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Creates a Parasolid trimmed curve from an NX curve or edge object.
The input entity is not affected by this routine.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example

Original release was in V14.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_create_ps_trimmed_curve
tag_t curve_or_edge,
tag_t * ps_curve
tag_tcurve_or_edgeInputTag of an NX curve or edge entity
tag_t *ps_curveOutputTag of the Parasolid trimmed curve


UF_PS_export_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Creates a Parasolid transmit file. The bodies that are input into this routine
must be NX type 70 subtype 0.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_export_data
uf_list_p_t body_list,
char * file_name
uf_list_p_tbody_listInputList of bodies to be exported
char *file_nameInputNew File name to put output into. An error is
generated if the file you specify already exists.
If you specify a full pathname, then the Parasolid
transmit file will be created there. If you specify
a simple file name, the file will be created in the
directory specified by the UGII_UGSOLIDS_TMP
environment variable. If this environment variable is
not defined, then the transmit file will placed in
the /tmp, /var/tmp or TMP directory.


UF_PS_export_linked_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
User Function routine to export parasolid data and include attributes
on the tags to link those tags to specific NX objects.

Internal and External

Original release was in V16.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_export_linked_data
tag_p_t tags,
int n_tags,
char * file_name,
int version,
UF_PS_link_f_p_t link_fnc,
int * n_unexported,
UF_PS_unexported_t * * unexported_tags
tag_p_ttagsInputArray of tags to export. Valid objects
are NX solid bodies and NX curves.
NX curves are exported as Parasolid
wire bodies.
intn_tagsInputCount of tags in array.
char *file_nameInputFile name to put output into.
This file must not exist. The
routine will return an error code
if the file does exist.
intversionInputVersion number of Parasolid
If non-zero, specifies the
desired version of Parasolid
for the transmit file. "250"
is version 25.0, "261" is version
26.1 etc. It may not be possible
to go back to every previous
version of Parasolid. If zero,
then the current version is
UF_PS_link_f_p_tlink_fncInputReserved for Licensed Parasolid
Developers. Please use NULL

Link attribute filter.

This is an integer function of
the form:

int linkfn(tag_t ug_tag,
int ps_tag );

The provided function will be
called for all the curves,
bodies, edges and faces being
exported. Objects of other types
will be ignored. "ug_tag" is
the NX tag of the object, and
"ps_tag" is its corresponding
Parasolid tag.

Currently, the integer status
returned is not used by NX.

This allows the user to define
a function to add user defined
Parasolid attributes to the
ps_tag. These attributes are
stored in the transmit file and
can be interpreted later when the
file is imported. This is a way
for users to add their own
personalized information to
Parasolid objects.
int *n_unexportedOutputCount of tags not exported.
UF_PS_unexported_t * *unexported_tagsOutput to UF_*free*If a NULL is passed in, then no
information will be returned. If
the caller passes in a
UF_PS_unexported_t , then an array
of UF_PS_unexported_t structures
will be allocated containing the
tags of the bodies that were not
exported, and the reasons (fail
code). The caller must free this
array by calling UF_free.


UF_PS_import_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Import a Parasolid transmit file. This file could have been
created from any application that uses Parasolid.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_import_data
char * file_name,
uf_list_p_t * body_list
char *file_nameInputFile name to get data from
uf_list_p_t *body_listOutput to UF_*free*List of bodies that were imported.
This list must be freed with UF_MODL_delete_list.


UF_PS_set_current_partition (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Sets the current Parasolid partition. A partition is an area within
Parasolid where geometry can be created and deleted. This function
is only useful for a site with access to the Parasolid Solid Modeler.
NX usually creates a new partition for each solid body that
is created. Boolean operations are not allowed on bodies in different

Internal and External

Original release was in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_set_current_partition
tag_t partition
tag_tpartitionInputThis Tag will be made the current Parasolid partition


UF_PS_set_journal_state (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Enables and disables Parasolid journaling. When Parasolid
journaling is enabled, each call to a Parasolid routine and the values
returned from that call are recorded in a journal file. The Parasolid
journal file updates to record each Parasolid routine call until
journaling is disabled. If Parasolid journaling is not enabled when the
NX session is terminated, the journal file is deleted.

Return code
0 = The journaling state was updated
not 0 = The journaling state was unable to be


See Also
Refer to the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_set_journal_state
int journal_state
intjournal_stateInputjournaling state:
UF_PS_DISABLED = Disable journaling
UF_PS_ENABLED = Enable journaling


UF_PS_write_to_journal (view source)
Defined in: uf_ps.h
Writes a specified character string to the Parasolid journal file. The
character string is written out to the journal file in groups of 80
characters or until the null character is encountered. The character
string can be written out to the Parasolid journal file only if journaling
is enabled. If Parasolid journaling is not enabled when the NX
session is terminated, the journal file is deleted and all of the data in the
file is lost.

Return code
0 = The character string was written to the
Parasolid journal file
not 0 = Unable to write the character string to
the Parasolid journal file


See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_PS_write_to_journal
char * journal_commt
char *journal_commtInputCharacter string to be written to the Parasolid
journal file