Solvers->NX NASTRAN->NX NASTRAN - Structural->Physical Property Tables


Sample Journal

Descriptor Name: Cbush1d Property

Physical Properties

UI Name Automation (neutral) Name Value type Range Default Value
Stiffness Stiffness double 0.000 to FLT_MAX --
Viscous Damping Viscous Damping double 0.000 to FLT_MAX --
Mass Mass double 0.000 to FLT_MAX --
Stress Recovery Coefficient Stress Recovery Coefficient double 0.000 to FLT_MAX --
Strain Recovery Coefficient Strain Recovery Coefficient double 0.000 to FLT_MAX --
Viscous Damping Coefficient for Tension (CVT) SHOCKA CVT double -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Viscous Damping Coefficient for Compression (CVC) SHOCKA CVC double -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Exponent of Velocity for Tension (EXPVT) SHOCKA EXPVT double -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Exponent of Velocity for Compression (EXPVC) SHOCKA EXPVC double -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Scale Factor versus Displacement (S(U)) SHOCKA IDTS scalar field wrapper -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Force versus Displacement SPRING IDT scalar field wrapper -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --
Force versus Velocity DAMPER IDT scalar field wrapper -FLT_MAX to FLT_MAX --