Introducing the QA Project template

A project based on the QA Project project template has a space named Testing (under Documents and Pages in Navigation) which contains the following:

  • Document: Test Specification. This is a placeholder Document that you can optionally use to write up test case specifications. You can mark portions of the content as Work Items of Test Case type which are then tracked in the tracker and managed with the project's workflow.

    For information on working with Documents, see Documents and Pages.

  • Page: Test Case Traceability. This page is a comprehensive report that shows which Requirements have and do not have linked Test Cases.

Process Overview

There are three main activities involved in a "QA Project" project:

  1. Define Test Specifications and Test Cases.

  2. Link Test Cases for traceability.

  3. Create one or more Test Runs from a Test Run Template.

  4. Execute Test Runs.