Update the Live Plan

The Live Plan is rebuilt on the server at scheduled days/times controlled in a default job named Live Plan Chart Refresh (update.plan). The exact firing of this job is specified as a CRON expression. You can see the currently defined CRON expression in the project's Monitor topic in the Scheduled Jobs section of the page. Your Polarion administrator can change the days and times when the Live Plan is updated. See Configure the Scheduler.

On-demand update

You can invoke immediate rebuilding of the Live Plan by clicking Update in the Live Plan section of the Dashboard topic of your project.

Rebuilding does place processing loads on the server which could affect performance for all users for the duration of the update. If a project is relatively small, this may not be an issue. For very large projects, you may want to try to invoke the update during times of less demand for server resources.

Conflict resolution in a Live Plan

Work Items that are forced to be planned with overlaps are reported in the Monitor. If such Work Items are found, the job fails (with status ERROR), but the Live Plan display is updated anyway.

If cyclic dependencies among Work Items are found, then the planning engine cannot continue, the update job fails, and the Live Plan display is not updated.