System and virtual machine memory

Issues around server memory allocation and Java virtual machine are covered in the PDF installation guide documents for Windows and Linux, available on SIEMENS' Doc Center.

  • Windows Installation

  • Linux Installation

  • Polarion Enterprise Setup (for users running Polarion on multiple physical and/or virtual servers with one or more Polarion instances in the topography.)

Administrators of Windows installations should follow the recommendations in the section Adjusting Server Memory Allocation in the Windows Installation guide.

Be sure to review the information in the section Java Virtual Machine Memory Limit in the installation guide for your operating system.

Administrators of clustered server installations should note the recommendations in the installation guide for the operating system on their servers, well as any relevant instruction in the Polarion Enterprise Setup Guide.

The information in these documents can help avoid issues such as failure to start the Polarion service, and Java Out of Memory (OOM) errors.