Edit user assignments

As previously mentioned, it is generally considered preferable to assign Subversion access by Role rather than by User. The most common reason to edit User assignments is in situations where some clean-up of the access file is desirable, removing User assignments that may have found their way into the file at some time or another. Of course, if you wish to assign access to some specific Users, you can do so.

  1. Open the repository or project you want to manage and navigate to User Management Access Management.

  2. In the upper pane of the Access Management page, browse to the repository folder or file for which you want to edit User assignments and select the folder. The selected folder's SVN access details appear in the lower pane.

  3. In the Users Assignment section header, click (Edit). The table of currently assigned Users becomes editable. Each row of the table corresponds to a User and the permissions currently assigned. The last row enabled you to specify a user and permissions to add to the currently selected folder or file.

Remove user assignments from the Subversion access file

  1. Make sure you are editing the correct folder or file. Select it in the upper part of the Access Management page. If the User Assignments table is not editable, click the (Edit) icon on the section header.

  2. On the row(s) of the User(s) for whom you wish to remove SVN access, click the icon n the Actions column. The row becomes highlighted. (If you make a mistake, click the Cancel button on the lower pane toolbar and start over.)

  3. Click the Save button in the toolbar of the lower part to save your changes to the SVN access file.

Add user assignments

  1. Make sure you are editing the correct folder or file. Select it in the upper pane of the Access Management page. If the Users Assignments table is not editable, click (Edit) icon on the section header.

  2. In the last row of the table, in the Users column, select the User to which you want to assign permissions. (For information about configuring Users, see Configure User Roles.)

  3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the repository access permissions you wish to assign to the selected User. The options are:


    Select to grant read-only permission, deselect to revoke it.

    Read & Write

    Select to grant permission to read and write, deselect to revoke it.

    Deny all

    Select to deny all permissions, deselect to revoke denial.

  4. If you want to add another User and permissions to the table, click the icon in the Actions column to add another row to the table. Select the User and assign permissions as described above.

  5. Click the Save button in the lower pane's toolbar to save changes from the GUI to the SVN access file.


Do not deny any permissions to the polarion user. This is the user account of the Polarion system itself.

The tilde exclusion marker

Subversion access management enables use of the tilde character (~) as an exclusion marker. Prefixing a user name or role with this character causes Subversion to apply the access rule to users not matching the rule. Polarion displays access rules as they are written in the access file, so prefixed items may appear in the Polarion access management user interface if they exist in the access file.

The system property com.polarion.accessmngmt.useTildaFeatureForRoles in the polarion.properties file controls whether or not Polarion's Access Management should offer tilde-prefixed roles in the Access Management client interface. The property is set to true by default.

You can find more information about this marker, along with some examples, in the Advanced Access Control Features section of the web page at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html.