Polarion® ALM™ Lifecycle Management Solutions

Polarion ALM 20 R1 README File

Thanks for using or evaluating this Polarion product. This is the README file for version 20 R1 of the Polarion ALM product family.

Unless otherwise noted, the information is applicable to:

  • Polarion ALM
  • Polarion QA

The navigation menu above leads to information in this file.

About This Release

Polarion ALM 20 R1 is our first release of 2020 for all Polarion platform-based products.

Visit the Polarion ALM 20 R1 – What's New and Noteworthy blog post for details.

Check out Siemens Digital Industry Software's Doc Center to:

  • See the Resolved Issues list for 20 R1.
  • Learn what web browsers are supported.
    NOTE: Polarion always supports the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge.


Release Notes

This section contains important information about the release including general notes and any known issues you should be aware of.

Updating an Existing Production Installation

Updating an existing installation requires a different package than those provided for new installations on the product download pages of the Polarion products web site. Click on the link in the table below to download the update package.

Product Link

NOTE: To update from Polarion 2012 or older, please contact Global Technical Access Center (GTAC).

Evaluating the Current Release

If you want to try out the latest release as a separate installation before updating your production system, the Update distribution described above will not work for this. Please use the DOWNLOAD button for your operating system on any of these web pages to get an evaluation copy:

License Compatibility

If your maintenance subscription is current, you can update from any release after 2015 using the License Key Code you already have. You only need to activate your updated installation, which you can do online or offline. For details, see the bundled HOW_TO_INSTALL_THIS_UPDATE.txt in the update distribution.

If you want to update from version 2014 (including Service Releases) or earlier, you will need to obtain a new license key. You can request it online at https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/getlicense.

Licensing issues or questions? Please contact Global Technical Access Center (GTAC).

Important Java Information

  • Polarion 19+ require OpenJDK 11. (Oracle's Java SE Development Kit 8 is no longer supported.)
    Recommended distribution: AdoptOpenJDK 11 (LTS) It's continuously tested with Polarion and offers long-term support.
  • If you added extra GC related runtime parameters for Java, you will need to update so that they'll work with OpenJDK 11.
    If you don't, the Java Virtual Machine may not start. (More details in the "Update Java" section of the installation guides.)
  • Beginning with version 17.1, Java is no longer bundled in product distributions for Windows due to licensing issues.
  • Before updating an existing Windows installation to this release, please see the Configuration.txt file in the update distribution and follow the recommendations regarding Java.

Integrated Database Replaced for All Installations

As of Polarion 20 R1, H2 databases are no longer supported.

(Polarion requires a correctly configured PostgreSQL database to start.)

In version 2015 SR2, Polarion replaced the integrated H2 database with PostgreSQL in new installations, and continues this with the current release.

In version 2016 and Service Releases, the update package for contains installation scripts that automatically install PostgreSQL to existing installations and update the system configuration to use PostgreSQL. Before updating a pre-2016 system to this release, please be sure to read the information in the Configuration.txt file, bundled in the update distribution.

Pre-2014 "Multi-Instance" Topography is No Longer Supported

Several Polarion versions prior to 2014 supported a "Multi-instance" setup on a single or multiple machines. With Polarion 17.x a multi-instance setup is no longer supported on a single machine, but an alternative "Multi-instance" setup on multiple machines is still available . See the Enterprise Setup Guide for details. If you still use a pre-2014 "Multi-instance" setup, your administrator should review the section for version 17.0 in the Configuration.txt file bundled in the update distribution before updating your system.

32-bit Windows, Windows 7 No Longer Supported

Polarion no longer supports installation on 32-bit Windows systems. Bundled Apache, Java, Subversion, and PostgreSQL are all 64-bit versions in the installation archives for Windows. A 64-bit OS is now required, and the installer will fail with a message if run on 32-bit Windows. The main potential for impact is on evaluations, for which some people would use 32-bit Windows.

Polarion no longer supports Windows 7 and 8.1 for evaluation installations. Windows 10 is supported.

SLES 11 Service Pack 3 Required

New Polarion installations on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 require that Service Pack 3 be installed, or the installation will fail. Existing installations running on SLES 11 with Service Pack 2 can be updated. However, updating SLES 11 to Service Pack 3 is recommended.

Apache and Subversion Binaries Now Built In-house

In previous releases, Polarion used the Apache and Subversion binaries from the Apache Haus community for Windows installations. To ensure compliance with internal open source requirements and flexibility in future development, these binaries for Windows are now compiled by Polarion. The binaries compiled by the Apache Haus community are still compatible with Polarion if required by any additional 3rd party customizations.


Installation Documentation

New Installations

Relevant system requirements and installation procedures are documented on Siemens Digital Industry Software's Doc Center .

Updating Existing Production Installations

For instructions on how to update an existing Polarion installation, please refer to the HOW_TO_INSTALL_THIS_UPDATE.txt file in the root folder of the cumulative update archive after you have downloaded and unpacked it.

Clustered Multi-server Setup

Customers who want to use Polarion in a clustered, multi-server environment should download the Polarion Enterprise Setup Guide , in addition to the Installation Guide for the relevant operating system(s).


© 2020 Polarion AG