Live Plan view

The Live Plan view presents the output of the Live Plan feature. It is a GANTT style chart showing what people have what tasks in some specific time period. Unlike other tools, you never update the project plan. Rather, you create constraints for the project, and set dates, time estimates, and personnel assignment for Work Items. The plan automatically updates as developers start progress on, and close Work Items. The aggregate result displays in the Live Plan. (There is a repository-level aggregation of the Live Plan in the Repository Dashboard which sums up everything for all projects.)

The vertical axis contains people who have items assigned to them (there is also a common line, labeled with the name of the project, which contains unassigned Work Items). The horizontal axis contains time intervals. Nonworking time (as configured in the global Working Calendar and Working Calendars of users who have a project role) is visualized in the Live Plan. Work Items are represented as color coded blocks. Hover over any Work Item's block for a summary of information about the item. Clicking a Work Item's block displays its detail in the detail pane below the Live Plan chart.