Documents and Pages

The Documents and Pages topic provides access to project artifacts such as specification documents, reports, and informational content. You can access and create the following types of artifacts:

  • LiveDoc documents, referred to in Help as Documents, are special document-like containers for both free-form text and granular Work Items. For example, in a requirements specification Document you have the possibility to mark content elements as Requirement-type Work Items that can be linked for traceability, workflow controlled, assigned, planned, scheduled, reported, and managed throughout the artifact lifecycle. Documents provide an ideal interface for document-oriented and nontechnical authors of specifications.

  • Pages contain information that does not need to be tracked and workflow-controlled through a process as Work Items.

    Info Pages enable you to create general information such as internal documentation, guidelines, meeting notes, preliminary specifications, etc. The content can have rich text formatting, and include images, tables, and more.

    LiveReport Pages are intended for building reports visually using a catalog of Widgets, which enable nontechnical users to build robust online reports that retrieve, aggregate, and render information from one or more projects, or an entire repository.


    Widgets are available with both types of Pages, and work the same way in both. The default layouts differ slightly to facilitate the use cases, but you can build reports or purely informational pages using either type, according to your own preference.

  • Classic Wiki pages use Polarion's legacy free-form content management technology. Content for these pages is implemented using Wiki mark-up language, and can include Velocity scripts, Javascript, and HTML.


Classic Wiki pages are currently supported for backward-compatibility with existing Wiki pages created prior to Polarion version 2015. That version introduced Pages, which are intended to replace Classic Wiki, which will eventually be phased out of the platform. You should use Pages for all new reports and information pages, and plan to reconstruct any reports and information pages you will need in the long term using LiveReport and Info Pages.

Polarion provides fine-grained access control in the Administration area. Administrators can control users' access to Documents, Pages, Work Items, and even Work Item data fields. You may be able to view some types of content, but not modify it. If you find you cannot view or modify information that you need, discuss your user permissions with your team leader or Polarion administrator.