Deprecated macros

This section documents Wiki macros that have been deprecated in Polarion products. If deprecated macros can still be used this will be noted in the relevant topics.

Miscellaneous macros

Macros noted in this section are deprecated and should be replaced as noted.

{includeForm} Macro

The {includeForm} macro enabled insertion into one wiki page of the content of another wiki page. This macro was replaced in version 2016 by {include-page} and {include-macros}. See Classic Wiki syntax Help for details on usage of the new macros.

Test management macros

Beginning with version 2012, the following Test Management macros were deprecated and removed from the Wiki Syntax Help. However, the macros are still supported and can be used in Wiki pages.

{testruns} Macro

The {testruns} macro renders a table of Test Runs.


  • query (optional) - query used to locate test runs to display (format of the query is the same as for {pages} macro).

  • top (optional) - maximum number of test runs to be displayed.

  • fields (optional) - comma-separated list of test run fields to display. Supports the same fields as the {pages} macro, and following additional fields:

    • id (ID of a test run)

    • owner (owner of a test run)

    • statistics.<test result> (shows statistics for a specific test result), statistics.executed (shows total number of executions) and statistics (shows statistics for all test results and total number of executions).

  • prefix (optional) - page name prefix of test run pages. Defaults to "TestRun_".

  • testResultEnum (optional) - enumeration that contains all test results. Defaults to "testResult".

  • sortby (optional) - IDs of the fields to use for sorting the test runs. Supports the same fields as the {pages} macro, and the following additional fields: id and owner.

  • project (optional) - project to load test runs from. Defaults to the current project.

  • space (optional) - space to load test runs from. Defaults to the current project.



{testrun-results} macro

The {testrun-results} macro displays results of a test run.


  • TestRun - name of the test run for which macro will display results.

  • testResultEnum (optional) - the enumeration containing all test results. Defaults to "testResult".

  • query (optional) - query used to find test cases that belong to this test run if they were not executed.


{execute-tests-button:testRun=$testRun|query=comments.title:"Test Blocked in test run:$testRunId"|document=Testing/MainTestSpecification}

execute-tests-button} macro

The {execute-tests-button} macro renders a button which allows users to execute test cases.


  • testRun - name of the test run that defines the test cases to be executed

  • document (optional) - name of a Document in which the test cases to be executed are defined

  • query (optional if document is specified) - query used to filter the test cases to be executed

  • project (optional if macro is used on project level) - project containing the test cases. Defaults to the current project.

  • sortby (optional, not available if document is specified) - IDs of the fields to use for sorting the test cases. Supports the same fields as the {workitems} macro.

  • testRunField (optional) - ID of the Work Item field that will be auto-filled with test run. Defaults to "testRun".

  • additionalFields (optional) - additional fields that will be auto-filled in the form "<field>:<value>,..."