Connect MATLAB to Polarion

This topic explains how to set up a connection between MATLAB and your Polarion server, and a project on that server. It is assumed that you already have a project created in Polarion to manage the requirements (and possibly test cases and testing as well) for the MATLAB project you want to connect and link to. If you do not have such a project, you should create one before going further. See the Create Projects for details.

It is further assumed that you have the connectivity scripts for Polarion set up and configured in your MATLAB installation.

It is not necessary that requirements preexist in the project, as you will be able to create these in Polarion as you being linking elements of your model in MATLAB to Polarion.

If you have existing requirements in Microsoft Word, you can import these into Polarion to take advantage of the traceability benefits mentioned earlier. Consult the User Guide topic Import Microsoft Word Documents.

The connector for MATLAB supports efficient work with one Polarion project. If the MATLAB solution should be connected to several Polarion projects (or even servers with different URL or user credentials), it could lead to inconveniences with reconfiguring settings each time — when particular block needs to be revised, for example.

Connection Setup Procedure

Before you begin, you might want to consider having your Polarion administrator create a dedicated user account to be used solely for the purpose of MATLAB accessing Polarion, with its credentials stored securely in Polarion's User Accounts Vault. This user account must have permissions to create and modify Work Items on the Polarion server in the project accessed by a MATLAB connection. For more information see Configure the User Accounts Vault.

Set up a connection to a Polarion server and project:

  1. In the MATLAB menu, choose ToolsPolarion Settings to open the Polarion Settings dialog box.

  2. Specify the Polarion server's URL. For example,

  3. Specify the user name and password to be used by MATLAB to access the Polarion server.

    The specified user must have permissions to create and modify Work Items on the Polarion server for the project specified in the Project ID field of the dialog box. The credentials (and other settings) are stored in persistent variables of the local MATLAB installation.

  4. Specify the ID of the Polarion project to be accessed by this Connection. Note that the ID may not be the same as the project name that appears in the Polarion user interface. The ID is shown in the ID field of the Project topic of Polarion Administration when you are working in a project. (You must have global or project administrator permissions to access it.)

  5. New Work Item Type field, specify the ID of the Work Item type that should be created when a MATLAB user takes the option to link a model element in MATLAB to a new Work Item in Polarion.

    Here again, you need the ID from the project configuration, not the Name that appears to end users in the user interface. You can find this in the project Administration: expand Work Items, select Types, and copy the value in the ID column. For example, a type might be configured with a name value of Requirement and ID value of requirement.

    Regardless of the default value, you can specify any Work Item type configured in the target Polarion project. For example, you might configure a type named Simulation block, an aggregate type later decomposed into individual requirements.

  6. The Search Query field is optional. Here you can enter Lucene query syntax for a query to isolate some subset of all Work Items when a MATLAB user takes the option of linking a model element to an existing Work Item in Polarion. This becomes the default query for the Link Block/(Sub)System action (described later). The query can be refined as needed when invoking the action.

    For example, suppose elements from some model need to be linked to Requirement items in Polarion. Entering type:requirement will cause only Work Items of the requirement type to be retrieved when a user invokes linking to an existing Work Item. The query can filter the list even more. For example, maybe the links will be to unresolved requirements planned to version 2: NOT HAS_VALUE:resolution AND type:requirement AND targetRelease:2.0

  7. Click the Save button to save the configuration.

    Settings will be used for all subsequent sessions. To work with a different server or project on the same server, reopen the Polarion Settings dialog box and modify the settings as needed.


    If the user did not invoke ToolsSettings, then the Polarion context menu will offer only the option to open the Settings dialog box.

When the connection is successfully completed, a context menu item Polarion appears on each type of element in MATLAB models.