Linked Data applications overview

This topic and subtopics cover how to configure external Linked Data applications to work with Polarion. Polarion's external Linked Data support lets users link to objects from other tools, such as Teamcenter. The Linked Data feature can be used in the following ways.

  • Act as a Linked Data consumer, by creating links for Work Items or LiveDocs from objects that reside on external Linked Data enabled tools.

    Linked Data consumers can connect to Polarion using the root service URL http://polarion-server/polarion/oslc/rootservices

    Polarion provides the OSLC RM and CM domain that enables Linked Data consumers to link to Polarion. Delegated user interfaces are provided.

  • Act as an Linked Data provider. Link Polarion Work Items to objects that reside on external Linked Data enabled tools.

This is normally done by creating or selecting a remote object in a delegated user interface provided by the external Linked Data application.

Administrators can define linking rules in the Linked Data Semantics and Linked Data Mapping configuration pages of Polarion Administration.

Consider an example scenario.

  1. In Polarion, a user selects a Requirement type Work Item that is considered a rm:Requirement according to the Linked Data Mapping configuration.

  2. The user selects the is implemented by link role as the backlink for the implements link role.

  3. The implements link role is mapped to cm:implementsRequirement based on the Linked Data Mapping configuration.

  4. The reverse for that is rm:implementedBy based on the Linked Data Semantics configuration.

  5. The Linked Data link type rm:implementedBy can be used from rm:Requirement to cm:ChageRequest according to the Linked Data Semantics configuration.

    (So only dialog boxes that can be used to select cm:ChangeRequest remote objects are shown.)

  6. After the user selects a cm:ChangeRequest the available link roles are also filtered so that only those valid for use with rm:Requirement and cm:ChageRequest are displayed.

After one or more Linked Data Friend servers are defined, connecting Polarion with external application servers, and the relevant Linked Data Associations are configured, an icon appears in the Linked Work Items section of Polarion Work Items. Users can then Link Items to and from external Linked Data applications.