Configure Connections

A Connection refers to data connection to a specific third-party server containing data that you want to replicate and synchronize with Polarion. Objects from the third-party system are identified based on their ID and the Connection that was used to synchronize them.

  • If you specify multiple Connections for the same third-party system, you will duplicate items. If you need for multiple projects to access the same third-party system, configure a global Connection Template.

  • Only a single synchronization can run with a specific Connection at any given time.


Read through the special considerations for Jira before connecting to a Jira server or the system specific instructions for DOORS, HP QC or ALM database, MATLAB or Microsoft TFS.

Create a new Connection

This configuration is possible in both the global and the project scope. You must have administrator permissions for the scope you want to configure. Settings are basically the same in both, but the access procedure differs slightly, as will be described.

  1. Log on with administrator permissions for the scope in which you want to define a new Connection.

  2. If creating a Connection in the global configuration, open Repository.

    If creating a Connection for a project configuration, open the relevant project.


    Connections in the global scope become Connection Templates.

  3. In the Tool view of Navigation, click Administration.

    You are now in Administration for the scoped you opened in Step 2.

  4. If working in global Administration, then in Navigation select Connectors.

    If working in a project, then in Navigation expand Connectors and select Settings.

    The Connectors administration page opens.

  5. In the Connections section, in the Actions column, click Add Connection.

    The New Connection to dialog box opens.

  6. In the New Connection to dialog box, select the third-party system to connect to, and click Next.

    The list shows the systems currently supported by Connectors.

    The title of the dialog box changes to reflect your selection. For example, if you select DOORS, the title changes to New Connection to DOORS. Depending on your selection, one or more data fields appear, which you need to fill in.


    Some Connectors require that a valid license for the Connector is present on the Polarion system. The dialog box displays a message if the license is not present, and you cannot complete the configuration until a license is obtained and installed.

  7. All Connections have the ID field. This ID identifies items from a specific server, and the fields required by the third-party system. Specify a value that helps you easily identify the connection.

  8. If more data fields are present in the dialog box, fill them in. These are generally connection parameters for the selected third-party system. It is assumed that you know them for the target system. Consult an administrator of the target system if necessary.

  9. Click Create.

  10. The new Connection is now configured.

Synchronize links across multiple projects

Because items are identified by their ID and the Connection that creates them, links between different projects need to use the same Connection. Therefore, use a Connection configured in the global scope to synchronize linked items to different Polarion projects. This ensures that the links between the items are recreated in Polarion. For example, to import links from defects in Project B to requirements in Project A, defining the mapping of the link parameter for the defect type is sufficient.

If the items are not in one sync pair, it may be necessary to execute the synchronization twice, because links cannot be created when there is no target for them yet. The items must be created during the first sync, and then on next sync they will be linked.