============= Configuration ============= This file contains important information that you should be aware of before updating to a new release. It describes changes that may impact your current system, and may include additional recommended actions to take before or after updating Polarion. If you have not yet read README.txt (in the same folder as this file), please review it before proceeding. Information below is grouped according to the Polarion version in which it was introduced. Please process any actions down to the version from which you update. Some actions may be noted as specific only for some Polarion products. ======= General ======= This section contains general points that you should check during the update: * The Resource Traceability feature is enabled by default and the RT server starts automatically with Polarion. Add the following property with a "false" value to disable the Resource Traceability feature: "com.siemens.polarion.rt.startRtServer=false" If you decide to use Resource Traceability, a certificate must be imported into your Polarion Java TrustStore. To point Polarion to your TrustStore, use the following property: "-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore" If your organization does not have a TrustStore, importing the certificate to the Java Key store will also work. See the "Importing a Certificate to the Java Keystore" section in Help for details. * If you use a customized log4j.properties file, alongside the polarion.properties file, please consider merging it with the new default log4j.properties version the org.apache.log4j plugin. * If you have installed the Polarion VARIANTS Server Add-on, it must be updated to the current version AFTER updating your Polarion installation. Please follow the instructions included in the HOW_TO_INSTALL_THIS_UPDATE.txt, bundled in the update distribution. ============ Version 19.3 ============ * Work Item extensions now load asynchronously by default. (If an extension integrates with a third-party tool like GitLab and there's a connection issue on their end, the rest of the Work Item's content will still load.) If your custom extensions conflict with this new default setting, you can disable it by adding the following property to the polarion.properties file: com.siemens.polarion.ui.synchronousFormExtensions=true Note: This is a temporary measure. The ability to disable this feature is expected to be removed in future releases, so you should identify and address any issues with your custom extensions before then. * Parts of each user's 'remember me' password are now stored in individual files for each user in a new 'rememberme' folder. For cluster and Multiple Stand-alone Instance installations, the 'rememeberme' folder is located on the Coordinator file system and stores information for all nodes and clusters. The 'remember_me_pass.properties' file that was formerly stored in the 'ui-data' folder on the shared file system for cluster and Multiple Stand-alone Instance installations, or locally for local installations is no longer needed and can be removed. * Control Charts now determine "Work Days" based on the "Working Calendar" defined in Polarion. (Global Administration > Work Items > Working Calendar) Prior to 19.3 Control Chart "Work Days" were hardcoded as Monday to Friday. (If the current Working Calendar is different, your Control Charts will update accordingly.) ============ Version 19.2 ============ * The Zookeeper's transaction logs are now automatically purged from the Coordinator's data folder. By default, the logs are purged once every 24 hours and only the three last snapshots and their corresponding logs are retained in the data folder after a purge. This functionality can be disabled or configured with the following two properties in the polarion.properties file: com.polarion.zookeeper.logsPurgePeriodMins=1440 The time interval, in minutes, to purge the Zookeeper's transaction logs from the data folder. (Set to 0 to disable.) com.polarion.zookeeper.retainedSnapshotsNum=3 The number of snapshots and their corresponding logs retained in the data folder after a purge. All others will be deleted. (Must not be lower than 3.) ============ Version 19.1 ============ IMPORTANT! * Polarion UI data in Cluster and Multiple stand-alone instance deployments is in a new location. You must migrate existing UI data so that it works with the latest version of Polarion. To migrate the UI data: 1. Create the following directory: "[POLARION_DATA]/workspace/cluster-data/[CLUSTER_ID]/" on the Coordinator for each configured cluster or stand-alone instance.  ([CLUSTER_ID] is the value for the com.polarion.clusterId property in the polarion.properties file.) 2. Move the entire "ui-data" directory and all its subdirectories and files from the shared storage (for clusters) or from all stand-alone instances: From: "[POLARION_DATA]/workspace/" (The default shared file system directory.) To: The new directory (or directories) that you created in step 1. ([POLARION_DATA]/workspace/cluster-data/[CLUSTER_ID]/) ============ Version 19 ============ * Polarion now only supports OpenJDK 11. (Oracle's Java SE Development Kit 8 is no longer supported.) IMPORTANT! When installing or upgrading to OpenJDK 11 make sure the default file encoding matches the same encoding used by the previous version of Java. To make sure that the file encoding is correct: 1. Search for the file.encoding property in the main log file (C:\Polarion\data\logs\main\). 2. If the default file encoding for the new Open JDK 11 differs, then define it explicitly as a Java Runtime property by adding the following property, with the file encoding you deploy, to the polarion.ini file. (C:\Polarion\polarion\polarion.ini by default). Dfile.encoding=file_encoding (Replace "file_encoding" with the one you use.) 3. Reinstall the Polarion service (run service.bat) for the Java Runtime property to take effect. * The Rhino Engine https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/Rhino will also be completely removed in future versions of Polarion. * Important notice regarding the Workflow Signatures: Refinements and improvements have been made to the Workflow Signatures feature introduced in 18.2 that require some configuration adjustments if it has already been implemented. 1) Required adjustment: Remove the "$user" variable from the following property: secure.approvals.comment= (The current user is now automatically inserted and if you don't remove $user, then it will appear as "$user" in the approval comment.) 2) Additional variables were added to the following property: secure.approvals.comment.onBehalfOf=put your custom comment text here In addition to custom comment text, this property also supports a verdict variable ($verdict) and a verdict image ($img). 3) New property: secure.approvals.comment.text=put your custom comment text here You can now add custom approval verdict text. See the following section in Polarion's help for more information: Administrator's Guide > Configure Work Items > Configure Work Item Workflow > Workflow for Approvals > Enable Electronic Signatures Support ============ Version 18.3 ============ * The Eclipse platform plug-ins (sometimes referred to as bundles) that are part of Polarion were updated from version 3.1 to 4.8 (aka Photon). Although this should not impact most custom extensions, some might need to be migrated to ensure that they're still usable after the update. This should only affect extensions that take the form of a plug-in. (Located in the polarion/extensions folder in the Polarion installation directory). There are two potential causes for incompatibility: 1) Plug-ins without an OSGi bundle manifest (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF) are no longer supported. In the old Eclipse platform, the runtime dependencies of a plug-in could be specified in the plugin.xml file. This approach was already deprecated in the 3.1 version that was part of Polarion prior to this update, so it should not affect existing custom extensions. NOTE: The plugin.xml file is still used to contribute to plug-in extensions, but it can no longer be used to specify dependencies between pug-ins, runtime libraries etc. 2) Parts of the Eclipse platform API have been removed since version 3.1. Plug-ins that make use of the Eclipse platform API (e.g. contain a plug-in activator class or provide extension points), might require changes. Please follow the instructions in the JavaDoc for the Eclipse platform classes that are used. For additional information, please see the "Platform Plug-in Developer Guide" for Eclipse Photon at: https://help.eclipse.org/photon/nav/2 If you need help with the migration itself, please contact Polarion's technical support at: http://www.siemens.com/gtac * Support for Oracle's Java SE Development Kit 8 is being phased out in favor of the open source alternative (OpenJDK 11). Polarion 18.3 supports both Oracle's Java SE Development Kit 8 and OpenJDK 11 but it will be the last Polarion release that supports both. Polarion 19 (scheduled for release in the spring of 2019), will only support OpenJDK 11, so administrators should plan accordingly. NOTE: If you've added extra GC-related runtime parameters for Java, you will need to update them accordingly for Java 11. (The JVM may fail to start with Java 8 style GC options.) See the "Update Java" section in the Windows Installation guide for details. a) The PDF version can be found in your Polarion installation folder. b) HTML and PDF versions can be found at: https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest * Installing a new extension now requires an additional step, described in the [INSTALL]/polarion/extensions/README.txt file. This file is updated automatically when installing the update. ============ Version 18.2 ============ * New and existing Polarion installations: If Workflow Signatures were set as mandatory in the workflow configuration of your existing installation, after the Polarion update your old Workflow signature comments will be preserved and still visible in the "Comment" section. All new signed workflow transitions will appear in the new "Workflow Signatures" section on the Work Item form. For both new and existing Polarion installations you need to add the new "Workflow Signatures" section to the "Form Layout" configuration so that it appears in the Work Item form. Note: There are templates and instantiated projects in Polarion where Workflow Signatures are already set as mandatory in the workflow configuration. The Work Item form of those templates and projects already includes the "Workflow Signatures" section and no further "Form Layout" configuration is required. To add the new "Workflow Signatures" section to the "Form Layout" configuration so that it appears in the Work Item form: 1. Project Administration > Work Items > Form Configuration.(On either the Project or Global levels.) 2. Click "Edit" beside "Default" in the "Form Layouts" section to add it to all Work Items. (Or "Edit" beside each Work Item type you'd to like to add it to.) 3. Paste in the "Form Layout Configuration" xml where you'd like the section to appear. 4. Click "Save". * Active Load Balancing (ALB) for cluster installations has been introduced in this version. It comes with several new optional configuration parameters. The feature can be switched on by setting the following new parameter to "true" in the polarion.properties file: com.siemens.polarion.cluster.activeLoadBalancingEnabled=true There are additional parameters that solve specific network configuration issues. Check the Polarion_Enterprise_Setup_Guide.pdf available in the Polarion section of Siemens Doc Center https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest for details. * The following two properties were introduced and are enabled by default to prevent long running transactions. (Only "read-only" user requests are affected. Requests with write operations are not.) com.siemens.polarion.platform.threadKillingMode=killAll com.siemens.polarion.platform.threadKillingTimeout=590000 TIP: Set the threadKillingTimeout property with a time that's less than the Apache ProxyPass timeout value configured in the polarion.conf or polarion-cluster.conf files. See the following section in Polarion's Help for more information: Administrator's Guide > System Maintenance > Topics > Prevent Long Running Transactions from Clogging up the Server ============ Version 18.1 ============ * Administrators can now adjust the Repository Polling timeout value, for when changes are pulled from an external Git repository, by adjusting the following property in the polarion.properties file: com.siemens.polarion.repository.git.timeout=30000 (The default 30000 value is in milliseconds). * The default configuration of the Test Execution Form contained a defect in several project templates. It caused the background color to be omitted from the Test Status banner in Edge and Internet Explorer 11. The problem is now fixed in the templates, but a manual update is needed in projects already created from them. (See below for details.) Affected project templates: Agile Software Project, Drive Pilot, Drive Pilot QA, E-Library, V-Model Project, V-Model Project QA. To fix this problem in projects already created from these templates, open the administration page of the execution form in the target project (Administration / Testing / Test Execution Form), and replace the following lines: #set($statusColor = "#FFFFFF") #set($statusColor = $testRecord.fields().result().get().fields().color().get()) with the following lines: #set($resultColor = $objectFactory.newColorTool().tryParse($testRecord.fields().result().get().fields().color().get(), "#FFFFFF")) #set($bannerColor = $resultColor.withOpacity($number.toNumber("0.4")))
============ Version 18 ============ * The obsolete "ExecuteTest" and "ExecuteTestInTestRun" Work Item workflow functions were removed. While strongly discouraged, if you still need to track test executions as comments, please contact Polarion's technical support at: http://www.siemens.com/gtac * The Test Run execution view has been completely revamped. If you'd like to continue using the old execution view, you can set the following parameter to "true" in the new "Configuration Properties" section in Administration. (Administration --> Configuration Properties ) testManagement.useOldExecutionView=true (Can be set either globally or per project.) NOTE: Support for the old execution view has been extended to give current testers some time to transition to the new Test Execution View workflow. (CAUTION: This "Classic" Test Execution View is deprecated and will become obsolete within a few releases.) * Microsoft Office 2007 is no longer supported, but documents saved in the Office 2007 (.docx) format are. (See the "Supported Microsoft Office Versions" section of the Windows or Trial Installation Guides.) * The default rendering of all enumerations in Work Item, Plans, and Test Run table views were changed and now show both icons and text by default for options that support it. (For example, Severity and Status.) Administrator and users can change this in the "Customize Table" dialogue. (Right-click on a table column header and click "More...".) ============ Version 17.3 ============ * The default Polarion configuration for "mod_dav_svn" was fine-tuned to significantly improve the performance of Subversion operations with a number of directory and file paths. (For example, bulk imports or Document history.) This configuration optimizes the evaluation of the rules defined in the access file and does not weaken Subversion's, path-based, authorization. To apply the "SVNPathAuthz short_circuit" configuration, just add the last line from the example below to the existing Apache "polarionSVN.conf" configuration file. # Our access control policy AuthzSVNAccessFile "/srv/polarion/svn/access" SVNPathAuthz short_circuit Windows: The setting can be changed in the [INSTALL]\bundled\apache\conf\extra\polarionSVN.conf file of your Polarion installation. Linux: The location of the configuration file differs for each Linux distribution: - Debian/Ubuntu/SUSE/SLES: /etc/apache2/conf.d/polarionSVN.conf - RHEL/CentOS: /etc/httpd/conf.d/polarionSVN.conf * Our Gantt widget was significantly reworked with the following changes: - The widget now only uses the Rendering API. - A defect was fixed that caused the rendering and functioning of the widget to fail if double quotation marks were used in a Plan's name. - A defect that affected the way the widget's width was handled was fixed. To get the updated Gantt widget: A)If you're doing a clean installation of Polarion, the widget is updated automatically. B)If updating Polarion: 1. Download the Polarion update archive. 2. Extract the folder containing the new Gantt widget from \Polarion\polarion\install\default-data.zip\.polarion\pages\widgets\gantt. 3. Replace the old widget folder in the existing Polarion repository, with the Gantt folder extracted from the update archive. 4. Commit the changes. * The ENUM_OPTIONS table is no longer populated by default. If you use the enumerations in the Polarion database for external reporting purposes, you need to enable this functionality via the the com.polarion.platform.sql.populateEnumOptionsTable=true property in the polarion.properties file. Refer to Polarion Help > Advanced Administration > Enumerations in the Polarion Database, for more details. ============ Version 17.2 ============ * If you are using a Polarion cluster setup with the Apache Load Balancer, make sure that you use the same timeout value as the AJP Tomcat connector. (The default value is 600 seconds.) Adjust Apache loadbalancer.conf file on the following lines: BalancerMember http://example-node1/ route=node1 BalancerMember http://example-node2/ route=node2 ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID failonstatus=503 lbmethod=byrequests timeout=600 keepalive=on - Make sure that the ProxySet directive contains the following parameters: timeout=600 keepalive=on. (Where the timeout value corresponds to the AJP Tomcat connector timeout value.) * Use only Java 8. Older versions are no longer supported and Java 9 compatibility is still under development. ============ Version 17.1 ============ ------------------- * IMPORTANT JAVA INFO ------------------- Beginning with version 17.1, Java is no longer bundled in Windows distributions or update distributions, due to new licensing restrictions. There are some important implications for current users running Polarion on Windows. Linux users should take note of #2, below. 1. Replacement of Java Installed by Polarion Installer While not immediately urgent, we recommend that you plan to: A) Replace the Java installation created by the Windows installer (normally in C:\Polarion\bundled\java) with a Java installation NOT located under the Polarion installation root. Check first to see if there may already be a suitable Java installation present on your hardware. B) Configure your operating environment and Polarion system to use this other Java installation. See the "Update Java" section in the "Manually Updating Third-party Software" in the "Polarion Installation Guide for Windows", bundled with the Windows and Update distributions, and available on the Polarion website. (https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest) Plan this change as soon as possible to make future Java updates easier and safe from any path changes that might be made by update scripts in the future. 2. Ongoing Java Maintenance Windows users will now need to keep their Java installation up to date, as Linux users are already accustomed to do. For Linux: See the "Update Java" section in the Linux Installation Guide for details. https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest For Windows: See the "Update Java" section in the Windows Installation Guide for details. https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest You can safely update to any new Java minor version to get the latest security and other fixes. However, you should NOT update to a new Java major version until support for it is announced in release notes and the installation guides. For example, if the currently supported Java major version is 1.8, you can safely update to any subsequent 1.8.x release. However, you should not update to, for example, version 1.9 until it is announced as supported in Polarion. ----------------------------------------- * APACHE & SUBVERSION NOW COMPILED IN-HOUSE ----------------------------------------- The Apache and Subversion Binaries are now compiled in-house. The Apache Haus compiled binaries are still compatible if required by any additional third party customizations. * Pre-2014 "MULTI-INSTANCE SETUP" support discontinued As announced in the "IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USERS OF PRE-2014 MULTI-INSTANCE SETUP" note for release 17, this legacy setup is no longer supported and must be migrated manually. (See the "Version 17" section below for instructions.) Polarion will no longer use the following legacy multi-instance configuration folders: For Windows: [INSTALL]\polarion\configuration\multi-instance For Linux: [INSTALL]\etc\multi-instance The Update script removes these folders, but backs them up in [UPDATE]/_backup*/configuration. Note: If you are updating from a version older than 2012, contact Polarion's technical support at: http://www.siemens.com/gtac. * While Polarion is starting up, an external phantomjs process starts and binds to localhost:34567. Prior to 17.1, if Polarion was terminated abnormally, the phatomjs process wouldn't complete successfully but the instance would remain open. If Polarion was restarted, an additional phantomjs process would start. If this was repeated too many times, or a new instance could not bind to the port, the phantomjs process would fail to start and an exception would be written to the log. To prevent this, a new property that terminates all phantomjs processes while Polarion starts up was created and is enabled by default: com.siemens.polarion.ui.killPhantomJsProcesses. (Set to 'true' by default.) The OS-related bash commands below terminate all phantomjs instances before attempting to run the startup instance. Windows: taskkill /F /IM phantomjs.exe /T Linux: pkill -f phantomjs If you are using your own separate phantomjs process that should NOT be terminated, set the property's value to "false". * Embedded attachments have wider thumbnails. In version 17, embedded attachments that were not images appeared as icons. Version 17.1 now supports thumbnails for common document types, but these thumbnails are wider than they were in version 17. (When they display either a preview of the first page or a thumbnail graphic.) * New Agile Software Project and E-Library Demo Project templates. The Agile Software Project template has been completely re-designed and all reports have been converted to the new Live Report technology. The revamped template is available with or without demo data. (The inclusion of sample builds depends on whether you are updating Polarion or doing a clean installation.) - E-Library Demo Data Project. Includes demo data with sample builds. (Available only in a clean installation.) - E-Library Demo Data Project Template. Includes demo data without sample builds. (Available for both update and clean installations.) - Agile Software Project Template. An empty Agile template. (Available for both update and clean installations.) ========== Version 17 ========== * IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR USERS OF PRE-2014 "MULTI-INSTANCE SETUP" Prior to version 2014, we supported a topography of multiple Polarion local instances, which was called "Multi-Instance" setup. This setup has been documented as deprecated since version 2014, and is now no longer supported. If you are using this type of setup, and you want to update to version 17 (and subsequent releases), YOU MUST MIGRATE YOUR SYSTEM TO A NEWER TOPOGRAPHY as described in the latest version of the Enterprise Setup Guide, section 5.4 Migrating From a Pre-2014 "Multi-Instance" Installation, available at: https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest WARNING: If you simply update the local instances to version 17 without performing the migration, your system becomes inoperable. * On-demand Work Item Loading is now enabled by default for documents containing 200 or more Work Items. (The "com.siemens.polarion.ui.document.lazyLoad.enabledByDefault=200" property in the polarion.properties file.) "true" enables it by default for all documents. "false" disables it by default for all documents. "x" (a number), enables it for all documents containing "x" or more Work Items. (On-demand Work Item Loading can still be turned "ON" or "OFF" for any document in its 'Document Properties' sidebar.) * The email for the "error.report.email" property is set to empty by default for new installations. Administrators should add the email that they want error reports sent to. If this property is NOT set, a pop-up appears with instructions on how to copy the error to the clipboard and send it to an administrator. (NOTE: Polarion support is now done through SIEMENS' GTAC support system.) * Code of custom Polarion extensions that depend on Spring packages from the com.polarion.portal.jetspeed plugin can stop working, as those packages are not exported from the plugin any more. It is unlikely that anyone depends on these packages, but we publish this advisory, just in case. ================ Version 2016 SR3 ================ * Outline numbers displayed before the Work Item "Title" field has been deprecated. ("com.polarion.showOutlineNumberBeforeTitle=true" does not work anymore with lazy loading.) * The Subversion 1.9 Access Protocol and Deltification are now fully supported in Windows installations of Polarion. (Additional configuration is no longer necessary.) ================ Version 2016 SR2 ================ * The logo and hyperlinks in the default document export templates have been changed to reflect the Polarion integration with Siemens. If you want to use the default template, please update your default round-trip and PDF export templates configuration, and consider checking any other existing round-trip and PDF export templates, as this change can influence the look of exported Documents. * The new export.xml file for the default global PDF export configuration is located in the unpacked update distribution: [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml * The new default Word round-trip template document is located in the unpacked update distribution: [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/tracker/templates/roundtrip.docx * With this version, adding and resolving comments on Test Runs are controlled by the two new Test Run permissions: "Permission to COMMENT" and "Permission to RESOLVE COMMENTS". This means that users with a Reviewer, PRO, or REQUIREMENTS license can now add and resolve comments on Test Runs, if their role allows it. If this is not desired, you should explicitly deny these permissions for any roles that you do not wish to allow to have them. ALM and QA users are not affected, as they were able to comment on Test Runs before 2016 SR2. * Also in the test management area, some late-breaking info that didn't make it into this file for the 2016 SR1 release, and therefore is present in SR2: The label format of Test Runs was changed from "ID" or "ID (TEMPLATE_ID)" to "ID" or "ID - TITLE" in both the API and the web user interface. * Some Document keyboard shortcuts are changed in this version: Normal text: Ctrl + Shift + 9 (was Ctrl + Alt + 0) Heading 1: Ctrl + Shift + 1 (was Ctrl + Alt + 1) Heading 2: Ctrl + Shift + 2 (was Ctrl + Alt + 2) Heading 3: Ctrl + Shift + 3 (was Ctrl + Alt + 3) Add Comment: Ctrl + Shift + M (was Ctrl + Alt + M) Font : Alt + Shift + (was Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ) Strike-through: Alt + Shift + T (was Alt + Shift + 5) Windows shortcuts are shown above. Replace "Ctrl" with "Cmd" for Mac. The embedded Keyboard Shortcuts dialog (Help menu in LiveDoc editor) is updated, and users can see the correct shortcuts for their OS. * The system property com.polarion.platform.loggingServiceInterceptor.enabled provided a workaround for interceptor logging. It could be set to disable the logging of time spent in Hivemind service interceptors in cases when that caused problems in customers' systems. This issue has been addressed. The above system property is no longer needed and can be removed from the polarion.properties file. * We announced in previous releases that support for Java 7 was dropped. As of this release, Polarion WILL NOT START if Java 7 is being used. Be sure you have updated to Java 8 before updating your system to this release. * Activities Index Cleanup Administrators can schedule an automated cleanup of the activity stream storage area. The default setting runs the Activities Index Cleanup on a weekly basis.(Every Sunday at midnight.) These limits can be configured granularly per source and type by editing the following lines in the polarion.properties file. In (C:\Polarion\polarion\configuration\) by default. maxActivitiesLimit = The number of activities that are kept by Activity Cleaner. maxActivitiesAge = How long (in days) that activities are preserved by the Activity Cleaner. See the "System Maintenance" section of the Administrator's Guide topic in Help for details. ================ Version 2016 SR1 ================ * Starting with this version, Polarion fully supports running the Polarion service by systemd on Linux platforms. The enabling process is not automated for regular updates (only for new Polarion installations). If you wish to use systemd to run Polarion service after installing this update, follow these steps to enable it: 1. Check, that your system supports systemd by, for example, running the command: 'systemctl'. 2. Stop the Polarion server. 3. Access directory /etc/init.d/ and remove the 'polarion' symbolic link to polarion.init. 4. Copy the file [POLARION_UPDATE]/linux/bin/polarion.service to the systemd unit file directory (usually this is: /usr/lib/systemd/system/), and update the content of polarion.service replacing: @@POLARION_HOME@@ with the path to the Polarion home directory (the default is '/opt/polarion/') @@POSTGRESQL_SERVICE_NAME@@ with the name of the PostgresSQL service (the default is 'postgresql-polarion') @@APACHE_SERVICE_NAME@@ with the name of the Apache service, usually 'httpd' or 'apache2' 5. Run the command: 'systemctl daemon-reload'. 6. To start Polarion on bootup, the service must be enabled by 'systemctl enable polarion'. 7. Start Polarion by calling 'systemctl start polarion' or [POLARION_HOME]/bin/polarion.init start. * If you are using Windows, we recommend that you update your Apache 2.4 configuration and add these 2 properties to httpd.conf: AcceptFilter http none AcceptFilter https none This solves the following exception in Apache "AH00341: winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed" and the occassional "freezing" of Polarion application related to it. * Persistence of URIs in the PostgreSQL database is optimized. Now, rather than the database being significantly larger than the H2 database it replaced, the PostgreSQL DB is a similar size. One outcome of the optimization is a change to the database schema, specifically: - All table columns that store URI are in numeric format. - A new mapping table called subterra_uri_map is added to both HEAD and historical DB, but it is populated only in the HEAD DB. - In the historical DB, the URI references are now composed of the unique HEAD URI component and the revision number merged into one single value. Consequently, if any users have scripts or queries that directly address URIs from the database (NOT a recommended practice!), such scripts/queries no longer work following the update. We highly recommend that users rework any affected scripts/queries to avoid this practice. If users need to keep non-functioning scripts/queries, at least in the short term, contact Polarion's technical support to discuss a possible work-around and the trade-offs involved in using it. * Update of Merge Actions Configuration File The actions.xml file (Administration: Documents & Pages: Merge Actions) stores the configuration of Document merge actions. Some new default conditions are added to this file for this release. If your global actions.xml file has been modified, is be preserved by the update script and you do not have the new conditions. You need to merge the content manually, referring to the new actions.xml file, located in the unpacked update distribution at [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/documents/merge/actions.xml (where [UPDATE] is the root folder of the unpacked update archive). ============ Version 2016 ============ There is quite a bit of information that's important for current customers to be aware of before updating to this version. You may not be affected by everything, but do take some time to go through the notes before installing the update. * IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ! Migration to PostgreSQL Database Beginning with version 2015 SR2 Polarion replaced the integrated H2 database with PostgreSQL in NEW installations for better performance and scalability. With version 2016, Polarion replaces H2 with PostgreSQL in EXISTING installations also. The update scripts for this version install and configure PostgreSQL to work with your existing installation and disable the existing H2. Note that after the update, the Polarion server will not start unless PostgreSQL is running. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: If, with a previous release, you already updated your system manually to use PostgreSQL, please see "Previous Manual Migration" below BEFORE you install this update. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows: The update batch file installs the binaries from the distribution, runs the configuration script to set up the database user and create the necessary databases, registers the PostgreSQLPolarion service and sets up shortcuts to start and stop PostgreSQL. Linux: The update script installs the PostgreSQL packages, configures and optimizes PostgreSQL to work with Polarion, reconfigures Polarion to use PostgreSQL, and sets up the postgresql-polarion service. Increased Database Size: The amount of disk space used by PostgreSQL is up to 3 times more than used by H2. We plan to improve this in the first service release, but you need to be aware before updating to version 2016 (GA). To get an idea of the space needed for the PostgreSQL database, you can look at the size of your current installation's H2 database (in POLARION_DATA]/workspace/polarion-data/database) and multiply by 3. Previous Manual Migration: Your easiest option for updating to version 2016 with PostgreSQL is to revert the manual migration before installing the update. Please follow these steps: 1. Stop the Polarion server. 2. Stop PostgreSQL and remove all content from /opt/polarion/data/postgres-data (Linux) or C:\polarion\data\postgres-data (Windows), and back up your specific data if you used the database for anything besides Polarion. 3. If reverting a Windows system, remove the entire folder: C:\polarion\bundled\postgres 4. Remove the following property from the polarion.properties system configuration file: com.polarion.platform.internalPG=polarion:@: 5. Install the update (see HOW_TO_INSTALL_THIS_UPDATE.txt for complete instructions), allowing it to configure PostgreSQL. The presence of packages is detected automatically and installation is skipped unless the update contains a newer version. * Database Compatibility Mode Because PostgreSQL's syntax is more strictly ANSI-compliant than H2, some queries formulated with H2 syntax may not work after the migration to PostgreSQL. To mitigate such problems, you can enable Database Compatibility mode via a new system property: com.polarion.platform.sql.h2CompatibilityMode. When enabled, Polarion attempts to adjust queries formulated with H2 syntax "on the fly" so that they work with PostgreSQL. For more information, please see the Help topic Advanced Administration: Database Compatibility (H2, PostgreSQL). * External Database Connection Due to restrictions in naming of tables in PostgreSQL, we had to rename table "user" to "t_user". If you use external db connection, adjust your queries to accommodate this change. * Polarion no longer supports installation on 32-bit Windows systems. Bundled Apache, Java, Subversion, and PostgreSQL are all 64-bit versions in the installation archives for Windows. We have not seen any production demand for 32-bit Windows for some time. The main potential for impact is on evaluations, for which some people would use 32-bit Windows. A 64-bit OS is now required, and the installer fails with a message if run on 32-bit Windows. * Two system properties "secure.dialog.title" and "secure.dialog.message" can be set in the polarion.properties file to override the default title and message in the dialog that prompts users for their electronic signature. It is now possible to optionally require e-signature of users for the execution of Test Cases in Test Runs (Administration > Testing > Test Run Types > "Requires Signature for Test Case execution"), and when transitioning Test Runs from one workflow status to another (Administration > Testing > Test Run Workflow, "Requires Signature" option for Actions) in the new workflow for Test Runs feature. Your overriding message should be suitable for all contexts of the dialog (Document, Work Item or group of Work Items, Test Run). * Note to users using Java 1.7 or older: As of Polarion version 2016, the support of Java versions 1.7.x or older is discontinued. Please update to Java 1.8.x as further Polarion service releases no longer operates on Java version older than 1.8. * Some JavaScripts may not work after updating to Java 8, because the JavaScript engine in Java 8 is not fully backwards compatible. It is recommended to migrate your scripts according to the migration manual: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Nashorn/Rhino+Migration+Guide . However, we provide you the possibility to temporarily run scripts in "Java 7 compatible" mode by setting the property com.polarion.scripting.useRhinoJsEngine=true in the polarion.properties file. * With Polarion 2016 we recommended that you increase the "MaxKeepAliveRequests" setting in Polarion's Apache configuration to 10000, to enhance performance. Windows: The setting can be changed in the [INSTALL]\bundled\apache\conf\extra\httpd.conf file of your Polarion installation. Linux: It is recommended to only change this setting if your installed Subversion is version 1.7 or higher. You can check it using the "svn --version" command. If the version is lower than 1.7, leave this property at the default setting. The location of the configuration file differs for each Linux distribution: - Debian/Ubuntu: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf - SUSE/SLES: /etc/apache2/server-tuning.conf - RHEL/CentOS: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. On this Linux distro, the property might be missing. If so, the following settings should be added to the same file: KeepAlive On MaxKeepAliveRequests 10000 KeepAliveTimeout 5 * Image attachments in classic wiki pages Due to some changes in access control, it is recommended to check Classic Wiki pages (including Test Run pages implemented in Classic Wiki) to be sure they do not use absolute URLs to refer to attached images. Use the {image} macro to refer to the attached images, otherwise they may not appear in exported PDFs, even though they may still be visible in Polarion web portal. * Subversion 1.9 Access Protocol Subversion 1.9 introduces a new FSFS 7 format for the repository back end. Although SVN still supports the older formats, Polarion does not yet fully support access to repositories in the new format via the "file" protocol. Although version 1.9 is bundled with Windows distributions, the installer creates the Polarion repository using the 1.8 format and with deltification properties turned off (see next point, "Subversion Deltification" For this release, if you manually create the repository in, or migrate the repository to SVN 1.9 format DO NOT access the repository using "file" protocol - use only the "svn" protocol. At the time of this release, no supported Linux distribution has SVN 1.9. We recommend that you wait until it is supported in your Linux, and fully supported in Polarion. * Subversion Deltification When updating to version 2016, if you choose to use Subversion 1.9, we strongly recommend to turn off the deltification properties for your repository, because the connection between Polarion and Subversion using "file" protocol is not fully supported. Subversion 1.9 uses directory and property deltification for FSFS repositories in format 1.6 or newer by default. To turn it off, go to "[POLARION_DATA]/svn/repo/db/fsfs.conf" and set the following properties to false: enable-dir-deltification = false enable-props-deltification = false ================ Version 2015 SR3 ================ * Documents can now contain captions for images, tables, etc. Captions are imported and exported to Word document with proper styles. The style of the caption can be defined in a Word round-trip template by adding a paragraph with style caption. Please update your default round-trip template, and consider checking any other existing round-trip templates, as this change can influence the look of exported Documents. The new default Word round-trip template document is located in the unpacked update distribution: [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/tracker/templates/roundtrip.docx * All usages of JVM options XX:MaxPermSize and XX:PermSize have been removed from Polarion because they have become obsolete in Java 8. * If you have an existing installation of Polarion prior to version 2015 SR3 and you already switched to using Java 8, you should adjust your Polarion configuration. Make the following changes in [POLARION_HOME]/etc/config.sh (Linux) or [POLARION_HOME]\polarion\polarion.ini (Windows). 1) Remove -XX:MaxPermSize and -XX:PermSize options 2) Use G1 garbage collector (option -XX:+UseG1GC) instead of CMS (option -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC) 3) Add -Dosgi.parentClassloader=ext option The parameter "osgi.parentClassloader" must be set to "ext" folder in order to have the possibility of using scripting languages from inside Polarion. If you use MaxTenuringThreshold in your configuration, the maximum allowed value is 15. On Windows, you must reinstall the Polarion service after changing the polarion.ini file. Please see the Polarion Installation Guide for Windows at: https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/documentation/latest for information on how to reinstall the Polarion service. * Excel export for offline Test Case execution now supports exporting of Test Cases with multiple Iterations of Test Steps. The export template can be adjusted to show Iteration numbering for each Test Case. You can configure the field where Iteration number will be appended using property "Append Iteration Label to Field" in the hidden "Polarion" sheet. Default value is the "title" field. * We used to store idgen files in repository for various artifacts, that kept the highest used counter in the object ID. These files are no longer needed and you can safely delete them from your repository. Removal is completely optional and does not affect Polarion in any way if you choose not to clean out the idgen files. ================ Version 2015 SR2 ================ * Permissions for Parametrized Testing This release adds a new feature we call Parametrized Testing. Test Parameters can be inserted into Test Steps during initial authoring or revision, and replaced with actual values for specific Test Case executions. This enables the same Test Case to be executed multiple times with variations in the testing procedures. You need to configure correct Polarion permissions and also Subversion access rights for the user roles that should be allowed to use the new feature. You can set Polarion permissions in Administration: User Management: Permissions Management: Test Runs. Subversion write access is needed by users who save new Test Parameters to a project's Test Parameters Library for reuse across Test Runs. Set this up in projects' Administration: User Management: Access Management. The path in the access management client is: [PROJECT_FOLDER]/.polarion/testing/configuration/test-parameters-library.xml * Plans use LiveReport reports by default All ALM templates, ALM demo projects, the setup planning dialog and hard-coded Plan report template now use the recently introduced LiveReport Pages for reports. They were formerly implemented using Classic Wiki. You can switch your existing Plans and Plan Templates to use LiveReport pages via "Switch to LiveReport" action on the Plan. * Velocity widgets used in default reports in project templates Some of default reports provided in project templates refer to velocity widgets that are part of default repository content. Note that if you are updating an existing installation, these widgets will not be installed to the repository. You have to manually upload content of [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/pages/widgets/ to [REPOSITORY]/.polarion/pages/widgets/ ============ Version 2015 ============ * This release introduces new technology for reports and informational pages, which will eventually replace the wiki. You can continue to use your existing Wiki pages, but we recommend that you use the new "Pages" for all new reports and informational pages. The "Documents and Wiki" topic in Navigation is renamed "Documents and Pages" and a new "Create New" dialog, available from all space index pages, enables creating of new Pages. IMPORTANT: If you want to use Pages in existing projects, you must first create the necessary folders in the repository and grant read and write access: [{$project_location}/.polarion/pages/spaces] @{$project_id}-project_assignable = rw ...where ${project_location} is the path to an existing project, and ${project_id} is the ID of that project. There is a new set of permissions in Administration, which control user access to Pages. Please see the "Pages" section of the "Permissions Management" topic and review the new permissions and adjust them as necessary for your users. * Polarion now includes an activation application that makes it possible to install or update a license while the Polarion server is running, without need to copy the license file manually to the target machine. By default, access to this application is NOT protected by any user name or password. For production use it is highly recommended to secure access to this application directly in Apache configuration. You can find details about how to do this in the installation documentation. * The functionality of the Polarion Scripting extension ( http://extensions.polarion.com/extensions/5-polarion-scripting ) is now integrated into the Polarion platform. The following changes should be noted: - ScriptFunction and ScriptCondition work in any workflow, not only Work Item workflow - Scripting servlet is switched off by default and must be switched on in polarion.properties by setting com.polarion.scripting.servlet.enabled=true IMPORTANT: If you have installed this extension, you should remove it before updating to version 2015. ================ Version 2014 SR3 ================ * Spaces can now have title in addition to the name. Unlike name (which is the system ID), title supports non-ASCII characters. If title is not defined, then name is used. If you add title to existing artifacts, you may want to update your PDF export configurations, replacing references to property $[space] with $[spaceTitle], and for PDF export of document compare configuration, also replacing references to properties $[space1] with $[spaceTitle1] and $[space2] with $[spaceTitle2]. ================ Version 2014 SR2 ================ * It is now possible to use SQL queries in Work Item tables. Example: "SQL:(SELECT * FROM WORKITEM WHERE C_TYPE='issue' AND C_SEVERITY='critical')" If you have a custom field that you have given a field ID of "SQL" (all uppercase), you may have difficulties using that field in queries. * Documents and Wiki pages can now have title in addition to the name. Unlike name, title supports non-ASCII characters. If title is not defined, then name is used. If you add title to existing artifacts, you may want to update your PDF export configurations, replacing references to property $[documentName] with $[documentTitle], and for PDF export of document compare configuration, also replacing references to properties $[documentName1] with $[documentTitle1] and $[documentName2] with $[documentTitle2]. * A new extended permissions scheme for Documents is implemented, and some review and update of user permissions may be needed to ensure that users retain their access to Documents and Document comments. For information on the new permissions, see the Help topic: Polarion Reference > User Reference > Documents > Permissions and License. * There are new dynamic roles for Documents: document_author and comment_author. These should be assigned in the global scope. For more information, see the Administration Reference topic: Default Dynamic Roles and Permissions > Dynamic Roles for Documents ================ Version 2014 SR1 ================ * New possibility to automatically clean up Test Runs by a job. The job is disabled by default because it requires some configuration. For more information, please consult Polarion's online Help chapter "Configuring Cleanup of Old Test Runs". * Documents can have a type and a workflow; there are new Document fields "type" and "status". To be able to use types and workflow for Documents, some configuration in your projects is needed. Two new topics are added to the "Documents & Wiki" section in Administration. ("Document Types" and "Document Workflow".) If you already have some Document custom fields with the same ID as newly implemented Document fields (e.g. "status"), you will see them with the prefix "*Conflicting*" in the document Editor. Although you will still be able to use them, queries on their values will stop working. It is recommended to stop using these conflicting custom fields. Remove the values from the conflicting custom fields in your Documents and remove the fields from the Custom Fields configuration. ============ Version 2014 ============ * Support for local instances in the multi-instance installation was dropped. Existing installations with local slaves will work after update, however it will not be possible to create new local instances. * SVN WebClient is now hosted under URL "/polarion/svnwebclient". This change requires modification of the content of Apache configuration file. Please replace the lines with - prefix by the lines with + prefix in polarion.conf: -ProxyPass /svnwebclient ajp:// timeout=600 -ProxyPassReverse /svnwebclient ajp:// +RedirectMatch permanent ^/svnwebclient/.*$ /polarion/svnwebclient - + -SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /svnwebclient/fileDownload.jsp.* no-gzip dont-vary +SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /polarion/svnwebclient/fileDownload.jsp.* no-gzip dont-vary * Please note that to be able to use the new Easy Planning feature, some Polarion configurations must be updated. Most of these changes for the individual projects can be done automatically using the "Set Up Planning" button in project Administration > Plans / Templates. But the configurations in the global scope need to be adjusted manually. These are: a) Polarion users need to have new permissions set in Administration. Please see the Plans section of the Permissions Management topic. b) In order to see the new Plans topic, it is necessary to add the topic with ID "plans" to the configuration in Administration > Portal > Topics by adding the line: c) In order to see the new Planned In field on Work Item form for desired Work Item types, it is necessary to add the field with ID "plannedIn" to the Form Layout Configuration in Administration/Workitems/Form Configuration by adding the line: d) To use notifications about Plans, it is necessary to configure new events in Administration > Notifications > Events and Targets. * Configuration property support.email is not used anymore. Instead there is a new property support.contact, which has a default value ( https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/techsupport/resources ), but can be customized in polarion.properties. Examples: support.contact=https://polarion.plm.automation.siemens.com/techsupport/resources support.contact=mailto:polarionadmin@company.com ================ Version 2013 SR3 ================ * Word Round-trip export now respects the spacing that is set in the list paragraph style as defined in the round-trip template. Based on this fix, the default round-trip template was improved so that the paragraph spacing corresponds better to the spacing in the Document editor. In detail: the Normal paragraph style has spacing 5pt before and after, and List paragraph has the same spacing but without adding space between paragraphs of the same style ("Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style"). Please update your default round-trip template, and consider to check your existing round-trip templates, as this fix can influence the look of the exported Documents. See [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/tracker/templates/roundtrip.docx * This release included the Highcharts library that enables users to render many types of charts in wiki pages and dashboards. Phantom JS, used for preview and PDF export of Highcharts, is also installed, and it has some configurable system properties controlling start-up, port usage, etc. For information, see Help: "Administrator's Guide: Configuring Export: Configuring Highcharts Export". ================ Version 2013 SR2 ================ * Consider adding the repoSystem property into polarion.properties to allow file access to svn, which will improve performance. See help for more information. * Newly bundled Polarion Diagnostic Tool can be executed from Polarion UI if added as a job to Administration / Scheduler. See Chapter 2 of Polarion Diagnostic Tool (PDT) Handbook (polarion/diagtool/diagtool.pdf) for more information. * Consider switching on sending of system monitoring alerts - please add this section to your polarion.properties file and fill the properties. # To enable email notification about system monitoring alerts set # com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.disabled to false # and configure the following properties # com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.receivers= # com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.sender= # com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.subject.prefix= com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.disabled=true com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.receivers= com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.sender= com.polarion.platform.monitoring.notifications.subject.prefix= ================ Version 2013 SR1 ================ * New permission com.polarion.tracker.WorkItem.resetApprovals was introduced. This permission must be set for user roles that should be able to reset approvals in the Approvals sidebar panel of LiveDocs. Please see the Work Items section of the Permissions Management topic in Administration. * The number of hours per work day is no longer configured in Administration: Work Items: Planning. It is now set in a new system property: "com.polarion.durationHoursPerDay". The default value is "8". If you have configured a value other than "8" in the "Hours Per Work Day" field of the Planning page in Administration in a previous version (you can check element hours-per-day in /.polarion/tracker/planning.xml in your repository), please be sure to adjust the value in the new "com.polarion.durationHoursPerDay" property in polarion.properties. Note that only an integer value can be used. Other values are silently ignored and the default value "8" used instead. For example: com.polarion.durationHoursPerDay=6 is OK. com.polarion.durationHoursPerDay=7.5 is not, and Polarion substitutes a value of "8". * The name of system property "attachments.maxAttachmentSizeInMB" is changed to "attachments.maxSizeOfIndexedAttachmentInMB". If you used this property in your system configuration, you need to update all such references. * The default set of project roles was refined so that project_approver and project_assignable can be used as standalone roles. This change made the role project_developer rendundant, so it was removed from the default configuration. Project roles need to be in sync with the default access template that is used to set up Subversion access rights for new projects. Please make sure that either your permissions.xml is updated to match with the new access template, or that your templates use a specific access template matching your permissions.xml. ============ Version 2013 ============ * Default Maven calculation properties now have the MaxPermSize increased to 256m (from 128m) (/.polarion/reports/calculation.properties). Please update your configuration in the repository to prevent calculation job failures ("java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space"). See [UPDATE]/ALM/default-data/.polarion/reports/calculation.properties. * The following link role should be added to the global workitem-link-role-enum.xml configuration file to support new branched Documents feature: ================ Version 2012 SR3 ================ * Test Steps are newly stored in dedicated Test Steps field instead of description. New features introduced in this release work only with this new storage, so it is recommended to migrate your existing Test Steps if you have projects in which Test Steps data are still stored in Description fields. Follow the migration guide document, which explains how to perform this migration. The guide is available on the Polarion Software web site at: https://www.polarion.com/hubfs/Docs/Guides_and_Manuals/Polarion-Test-Steps-Migration-Guide.pdf * It is possible to export the comparison of two documents to PDF. Header and footer can be configured in the PDF export configuration (Administration / Wiki / Export). See [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml and Polarion Help for more information. ================ Version 2012 SR2 ================ * Default PDF export configuration (Administration / Wiki / Export) was improved so that the exported Documents and Wiki Pages are nicer. See [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml. ================ Version 2012 SR1 ================ * It is possible to export the comparison of two documents to PDF. Header and footer can be configured in the PDF export configuration (Administration / Wiki / Export). See [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml and Polarion Help for more information. * Structure tables in the Polarion database were renamed. Now these tables, containing structured values of a field of an object, have a consistent name that contains the name of the object prototype and the name of the field. Example: table STRUCT_LINKEDWORKITEM was renamed to STRUCT_WORKITEM_LINKEDWORKITEMS If you refer these tables in your SQL queries, for example, in a wiki page, please update them (see documentation in Polarion SDK if you are not sure about the table name). Such SQL queries were also used in the 'Requirements Coverage' wiki page in project templates and demo projects in Polarion 2012, so you may need to update the projects based on these templates, or old demo projects. ============ Version 2012 ============ * Please note that to be able to use the new Test Management feature, some Polarion configurations must be updated: a) Polarion users need to have new permissions set in the Administration. Please see the Test Runs section of the Permissions Management topic. Also, Subversion access rights need to be adjusted so that users are granted proper access to folder .polarion/testing in projects. This can be done in Administration / User Management / Access Management. b) In order to see the new Test Runs topic, it is necessary to add the topic with id "testruns" to the configuration in Administration / Portal / Topics c) To use notifications about Test Runs, it is necessary to configure new events in Administration / Notifications / Events and Targets. * Polarion 2012 introduces change in terminology of the multi-repository feature: 'multi-repository' is now called 'multi-instance' 'master' is now called 'controller' 'slave' is now called 'instance' As part of this there are changes in configuration file and properties names. Transition is done automatically by the update script. However, in customized installations there might be references to these renamed files that need to be updated manually, for example, in custom Apache configuration files. To help with this, there is list of changes in the installation structure: [POLARION]/polarion/data/multirepository -> [POLARION]/polarion/data/multi-instance [POLARION]/polarion/data/logs/multirepository -> [POLARION]/polarion/data/logs/multi-instance [APACHE_CONFIGURATION]/polarion.multirepository.conf -> [APACHE_CONFIGURATION]/polarion.multi-instance.conf [APACHE_CONFIGURATION]/polarion.*.slave -> [APACHE_CONFIGURATION]/polarion.*.instance Windows: [POLARION]\polarion\*slave.bat -> [POLARION]\polarion\*instance.bat [POLARION]\polarion\configuration\multirepository -> [POLARION]\polarion\configuration\multi-instance [POLARION]\polarion\configuration\multirepository\_master.properties -> [POLARION]\polarion\configuration\multi-instance\_controller.properties Linux: rc script commands: *-slave -> *-instance [POLARION]\etc\multirepository -> [POLARION]\etc\multi-instance [POLARION]\etc\multirepository\_master.properties -> [POLARION]\etc\multi-instance\_controller.properties * Windows: Polarion comes with bundled Subversion 1.7.2 which allows to optimize repository performance, see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.serverconfig.optimization.html for more information. * Polarion 2010 Live Doc exporters and importers are now hidden by default: doc: Microsoft Word Live Document (Polarion 2010) xls: Microsoft Excel Live Document (Polarion 2010) If you want to use them, please add "com.polarion.show2010LiveDocExportImport=true" to your polarion.properties. ================ Version 2011 SR3 ================ * Polarion now supports delete operation for any Work Item. In order to receive delete notifications, please add event workitem-deleted to your notification settings (Administration > Notifications / Events and Targets). ================ Version 2011 SR2 ================ * Excel exporters "xls: Microsoft Excel table" and "xls: Microsoft Excel template" were replaced by exporter "xlsx: Microsoft Excel". Old templates are not compatible with the new exporter. It is still possible to use the old exporters if you add "com.polarion.showExcel2003Export=true" to your polarion.properties. * Exporter "csv: Comma separated values" exports only direct links when the field "Linked Work Items" is selected for export. If you want to export the derived links, please use new available field "Linked Work Items Derived". * (Version 2011) Export configuration (Administration>Wiki>Export) has changed and has a new format. Configuration is not backwards compatible and needs to be updated according to the new format. See [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml and Polarion Help for more information. * Polarion login form no longer shows correct capitalization of a user name if a user enters a wrongly capitalized user name; in this case the login is rejected in the same way as if the login name was unknown. To restore the specific error message including the correctly capitalized login name, add "com.polarion.showCapitalizationHintOnLogin=true" to your polarion.properties. * To resolve current problems with running the Process Audit calculation (caused by changed plugin dependencies in an external Maven repository) and to prevent similar issues with Maven calculations in the future, switch on usage of the Maven plugin registry by adding "true" to [INSTALL]/maven/settings.xml: true ... * (Version 2011) Process Audit rules related to test code coverage are no longer available. To get rid of the related errors logged during the Process Audit calculation, please update the following configuration files in the repository according to the new default versions (simply replace your files with new ones in case you do not have custom changes there): [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/maven/processaudit/rule-settings.xml [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/reports/descriptors.xml [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/reports/reports-config.xml ================ Version 2011 SR1 ================ * Default permissions configuration file located at '.polarion/security/permissions.xml' was updated, it is necessary to remove the '' line from project_admin section to prevent wrong permission checkup. ============ Version 2011 ============ * Default permissions configuration is now reworked to be more directly usable and simple to use. There is also a new editor of permissions in the Administration. However, this new editor may not work reliably with the more general format of the old permissions configurations. Therefore it is highly recommended to: - Replace your default permissions configuration. .polarion/security/permissions.xml with the following file: [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/security/permissions.xml - Delete permissions configuration in all projects. - Configure the default permissions and eventually the projects permissions configurations according to your specific needs using the new editor in Administration. Until you reconfigure the permissions in this way, the old configuration will still work as before, and can be edited directly in the repository XML file. * Please note that the user UI settings (for example, list of recently visited projects) will be cleared by the update script because of the new storage format. There is no manual action required. * Export configuration (Administration>Wiki>Export) has changed and has a new format. Configuration is not backwards compatible and needs to be updated according to the new format. See [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/wiki/export.xml and Polarion Help for more information. ================ Version 2010 SR2 ================ * There are two new properties that can be used in these Polarion properties files: polarion/configuration/polarion.properties polarion/configuration/multirepository/_common.properties Please consider adding of the following default section to your configuration files: # The following secure.actions property can be used to specify IDs of workflow actions which, when invoked by a user, will display a dialog asking for a password. # If a valid password is not provided, the workflow action will not execute. Example: secure.actions=approve, close # The following secure.approvals property, if set to true, causes a password dialog to display when a user invokes an approve or disapprove action on a Work Item. # Additional properties "secure.dialog.title" and "secure.dialog.message" may be added below and used to specify the title of the password # Rntry dialog and the message shown there, thereby overriding the system's default title and message for the dialog. secure.actions= secure.approvals=false ================ Version 2010 SR1 ================ * Windows: Polarion is now installed as Windows service by default. To install Polarion service in existing installations, please: 1) Run "[POLARION]/polarion/service.bat -install" (on Windows Vista or newer it must be run as administrator). This installs the service "Polarion" and marks it to start when Windows starts. 2) If file msvcr71.dll cannot be found in [WINDOWS]\System32 on 32bit systems or in [WINDOWS]\SysWOW64 on 64bit systems, copy it there from [UPDATE]\bundled\java\bin. 3) Adjust shortcuts that start and stop Polarion: a) Edit [POLARION]/polarion/run.bat and replace execution of polarion.exe with "net start Polarion". b) Update Polarion shortcuts in [INSTALL]\polarion shortcuts and also in Windows Start Menu: open the Properties dialog for each of them and: - in "Start Polarion Server.lnk" set target to "net start Polarion" - in "Shutdown Polarion Server.lnk" set target to "net stop Polarion" - on Windows Vista or newer: set both shortcuts above to "Run as administrator" (tab Shortcuts, button Advanced, check "Run as administrator") * The Tree mode of Multi Edit view now defaults to 'All' link roles to define the tree structure (like the Table view). Previously, the default link role was "has parent". If you have shortcuts to this view, their behavior may change because of this. To fix your shortcuts: 1) Open the shortcut. 2) Fix the role setting in the query panel. 3) Save the shortcut using the same name. * Requirements and ALM: A defect was fixed in the default LiveDoc templates located in the repository folder /.polarion/tracker/document_templates: status and severity fields of the contained template requirements should use initial workflow status and default severity for requirements, which is by default status "draft" and severity "should_have" (and not "open" and "normal" as it was in the past). Check your LiveDoc templates. ============ Version 2010 ============ * Dashboard is now a wiki page. There are new wiki macros that make it possible to easily display all the information that you are used to seeing on dashboard. Updating from the old psml format is NOT done automatically. If you have customized your dashboard, you may want to edit the Dashboard wiki page manually and adjust it, after which you can delete the dashboard psml files from the repository. * To fix a defect with corrupted zip files downloaded using Internet Explorer via the Repository Browser (DPP-10309) update the configuration of mod_deflate in your Apache configuration file polarion.conf according to the following current default configuration (the most important change is the addition of this line: "SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /polarion/svnwebclient/fileDownload.jsp.* no-gzip dont-vary"). LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so AddEncoding x-compress Z AddEncoding x-gzip gz tgz #DeflateCompressionLevel 9 #DeflateFilterNote Input instream #DeflateFilterNote Output outstream #DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio #LogFormat '"%r" %{outstream}n/%{instream}n (%{ratio}n%%)' deflate #CustomLog "#LogsDir#/deflate.log" deflate # Enable mod_deflate except for BIR servlet - garbage is sometimes returned if it is enabled # Insert filter SetOutputFilter DEFLATE # Netscape 4.x has some problems... BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html # Netscape 4.06-4.08 have some more problems BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip # MSIE masquerades as Netscape, but it is fine BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html # Don't compress images SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.pdf$ no-gzip dont-vary SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar|7z)$ no-gzip dont-vary SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI /polarion/svnwebclient/fileDownload.jsp.* no-gzip dont-vary # Make sure proxies don't deliver the wrong content Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary ============= Version 3.3.1 ============= * Previous Polarion versions contained a defect (DPP-9961) that caused, when assigning a project role to a user, a group with wrong name to sometimes be created in the Subversion access file: PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME-ROLE was used instead of correct PROJECT_ID-ROLE. This defect is now fixed, however if you have projects for which their ID is not equal to the folder name, please check your access file and merge the wrong user groups to the correct ones, delete those wrong groups, and fix the incorrect group names in the rules throughout the access file. ============= Version 3.3.0 ============= * Default project templates are no longer stored in the repository (.polarion/projects/templates) but rather in one of the plugins, so that they can be easily maintained during updates to new Polarion versions. Project templates that are in the repository override the default ones (with the same ID). It is recommended that you delete from the repository all default (not created by you) project templates that you don't use, or that you did not customize yourself. You can see default templates in the same structure as in the repository here: [INSTALL]/polarion/plugins/com.polarion.alm.projects_3.3.0/templates See property "distributions" in template.properties to see for which product the template is available. * Default workflow configurations now include an initial workflow action that prevents inconsistent state of work items after a type change. Consider updating your workflow configurations. Please see: [PRODUCT]/default-data/.polarion/tracker/workflow/workflow.xml * New notification targets are added to the default notification configuration: module-created (not available for Track & Wiki), user-created, user-updated, and user-deleted. Please see: [PRODUCT]/default-data/.polarion/notifications/notifications.xml. * Requirements: Planning fields were removed from the default form layout configuration (planning constraints and planned start/end) - they were included here by mistake. Please see Requirements/default-data/.polarion/hats/_default/tracker/form-layout.xml * Requirements and ALM: Home page of library project was updated. If you did not develop your own content here, you may want to replace your version of that page with the default one: [PRODUCT]/library/_wiki/_default/Home/page.xml * ALM: Live plan performance was improved and its update is now scheduled to run every hour by default. Please see ALM/default-data/.polarion/jobs/schedule.xml ============= Version 3.2.0 ============= * Global read permission for Revisions It is recommended to grant global read permission for Revisions to all Polarion users. You can check and add it in the Administration topic User Management > Permissions. Please check the following permission setting to permissions.xml (in the "SYSTEM SECURITY SETTINGS" section; see new default configuration in [UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/security/permissions.xml) and add it if it is not yet present: * ALM: Since Polarion ALM release 3.2.0, the topic Overview (in project, project group, and repository scopes) is renamed to "Home" and displays a page with name "Home" from the default wiki space of a project or the repository. Default Home pages are provided, and they are very easy to customize. Almost all content from the old Overview topics, as defined by overview.psml pages in the repository, is available in another form on the default Home pages. However, if you had some specific customization of overview.psml pages that formerly implemented the Overview topic, you will either need to change the Home page to display equivalent information, or, if that is not possible, you can move such portlets to the Dashboard topic (dashboard.psml page). If the above is not applicable in your case (or after the refactoring) you can delete all overview.psml pages in your Subversion repository - they are not used by Polarion anymore: .polarion/portal/pages/overview.psml .polarion/portal/default_project_pages/overview.psml .polarion/portal/default_project_pages/overview.psml .polarion/projects/templates/[TEMPLATE]/.polarion/portal/pages/overview.psml [PROJECT].polarion/portal/pages/overview.psml * ALM: Since Polarion ALM release 3.2.0, the default wiki page in any wiki space is named "Home", which replaces the former "WebHome" page. It is recommended that you copy the content of your existing "WebHome" pages and add it to the new "Home" pages. You can then delete the existing "WebHome" pages. Please note that in this case any existing explicit links to the "WebHome" pages will be broken (however, this should not be the usual case, as normally the default page link is done using only space name). * ALM: Since Polarion ALM release 3.2.0, there are new permissions for Home wiki page and for Wiki pages in general. Although these permissions have parent permissions (com.polarion.persistence.object.*) and so have reasonable defaults, you may want to adjust them to your needs. You can do so in the Administration topic User Management > Permissions (check configurations on the repository level and in all projects in which you have customized the permissions configuration). You should start with a copy of the following section from the new default permissions file: UPDATE]/default-data/.polarion/security/permissions.xml: * ALM: Polarion 3.2.0 introduces a new feature "Modules" - Work Item containers. Modules are stored in projects in the "[PROJECT]/modules" folder . Users that will edit Modules or Work Items from Modules will need corresponding write permissions for the module folders in the Subversion repository - please adjust the access file of your repository. * ALM: Polarion 3.2.0 configuration contains a project named "Module Library". It is added and marked automatically unless the path already exists or a project with ID 'library' already exists. In that case, please consider renaming your existing content and adding the new project manually: [ALM]default-data/library ============= Version 3.1.2 ============= * ALM: Up to release 3.1.2, files in project templates (folder .polarion/projects/templates/ in the Subversion repository) having a file name starting with '_' (underscore character) were processed specially during instantiation of this template. Rather than straight copying to the created project, the initial '_' character was stripped from the file name(s). This legacy feature was removed in release 3.1.2. If you were by chance using this behavior in your project templates, please just rename files starting with '_' directly in your templates and your templates will work as they should in the current release.