Find and Replace

The Document Editor has its own Find and Find and Replace that even work for text within the Work Items contained in a Document.

They behave a little differently if On-demand Work Item Loading is set to ON or OFF in the Document Properties sidebar of the Document you're working with.

With on-demand Work Item Loading OFF

  1. Click Find and Replace in the Actions Menu or use the Ctrl + H keyboard shortcut.

    (Clicking Ctrl+ F with On-demand Work Item Loading OFF will launch the Browser's native Find dialog.)

  2. Enter an item to search for in the Find field.

  3. (Optional). Select the Match case check box () to only display results with the same capitalization.

  4. Cycle through the results by clicking Next> and <Previous.

  5. Click Replace to replace the highlighted item with the text in the Replace with field or Replace All to replace all occurrences within the document.

  6. If Replace All is clicked another dialog appears showing the results.


If there is a discrepancy between the number of items found and replaced, it is because non-editable items, such as referenced Work Items, or TOC entries, cannot be replaced.

With On-demand Work Item Loading ON

Because On-demand Work Item Loading only loads data for that a user has scrolled into view, using your browser's native Find (Ctrl + F) generally leads to incomplete search results. To ensure that all data in a Document and its Work Items are searched when On-demand Work Item Loading is turned on, Polarion has its own Find function. You can still use Ctrl + F, or Find icon in the Actions menu to launch it


If you use Ctrl + F, click on the Document first. If the focus is on the Navigation panel, sidebar, or browser window, the browser's internal Find command will be launched instead, and the search results are likely to be incomplete.


  1. Click the Find in the Actions Menu or Press Ctrl + F.

  2. Polarion automatically begins searching the document, and displays a percentage of its progress. When complete, the total number of matching results is displayed and the current occurrence highlighted.

  3. Cycle through the results by clicking Next> and <Previous.

  4. (Optional). Select the Match case check box () to only display results with the same capitalization.

  5. Ctrl + H turns an open Find dialog into Find and Replace.

Replace & Replace All

  1. Click the Find and Replace icon in the Actions Menu or the Ctrl + Hkeyboard shortcut.

  2. Enter the text to replace in the Find field.

  3. Polarion automatically begins searching the document, and displays a percentage of its progress.

  4. Once complete, it lists the total number of times the item appears and the occurrence number that's currently highlighted.

  5. (Optional). Select the Match case check box () to only display results with the same capitalization.

  6. Cycle through the results by clicking Next> and <Previous.

    Click Replace to only replace the currently highlighted item, or Replace All to replace all matching occurrences.

Internet Explorer limitations:

  • With Internet Explorer, Find and Replace does not automatically jump to the first occurrence. Just click Next> to do so.

  • Text that cannot be edited is counted and tracked, but not highlighted.