Delete old Test Runs manually

At some point you may decide you don't need to preserve all the executed Test Runs. This is especially likely if you have integrated automated test execution with Polarion's building feature, creating new Test Runs with every build. You can delete one or more Test Runs from the Test Runs topic. You must have permissions for this action, otherwise you will see a message and the delete operation will be canceled.

Delete one or more Test Run(s):

  1. Select the Test Runs topic in Navigation.

  2. In the table of existing Test Runs, select the Test Run(s) you want to delete. The page provides an instance of the Visual Query Builder that you can use to visually build a query to filter the list. This instance of the tool is limited to a set of query elements applicable for querying Test Runs, and does save queries for later reuse. (A visual query built with this tool can be converted to text for use in reports and so forth.)

    To select multiple Test Runs for deletion, select the check box on the row of each Test Run to be deleted. To select all Test Runs appearing in the list, select the check box in the header of the Status column.

  3. If you are deleting a single Test Run, go to the lower pane, click (Actions), and choose Delete.

    If you selected multiple Test Runs to delete, a button labeled Delete [N] selected Test Runs appears in the lower pane of the Test Runs page (where [N] is the number of Test Runs selected in the upper pane). Click the button to delete all the selected Test Runs.

Automated Cleanup of Old Test Runs

If you have many Test Runs as a result of automated testing, it may not be practical to delete old Test Runs manually. In this case, Polarion provides an automated job that deletes Test Runs you don't need to keep. For information, see Configure Cleanup of Old Test Runs.

Preserving Test Runs in History

Every Test Run has a Keep in History field, accessible in the Test Run's properties. When checked, the Test Run is preserved in Project Baselines. Before starting automated cleanup of Test Runs, you should mark those Test Runs to preserve in history for future reference. For example, you might keep all Test Runs for verification tests that were executed at some project milestone. Project managers should be aware of when the automated cleanup job is scheduled to run, and should mark any new Test Runs to preserve in history before the next scheduled Test Run cleanup.

Marking is simple when there are only a few Test Runs and only one or two to be marked. You can browse your project's Test Runs and mark each Test Run individually in its Properties. If there are many Test Runs in the system, and/or many to be flagged for preservation in history, then you need to use bulk marking of Test Runs with the Keep in History flag.

Bulk mark multiple Test Runs:

  1. In Navigation, open the Test Runs topic.

  2. On the Test Runs page, in the table of Test Runs, check the box on the row of every listed Test Run that you want marked with the Keep in History flag.

    If there are many Test Runs, you can run a query to filter the table. If your query returns only Test Runs that should be marked, you can mark all Test Runs in the table by selecting the check box in the table header.

  3. In the selection panel in the lower portion of the page, click Keep in History to set the "Keep in History" flag on all selected Test Runs. (The selection panel appears when more than one Test Run is selected in the table.)