Work Item Properties sidebar

This sidebar shows Work Item data fields that can be viewed and in some cases edited right within a Live Document or Page.

The panel also shows outgoing links from the Work Item currently selected in the Document. Users can access the linked items, create new links via pasting, and to manage links in a pop-up dialog.

Component Descriptions:

Sidebar settings

Displays a menu with options applicable to this sidebar.


Shows the ID and Title of the Work Item currently selected in the Document body.

Properties section

Displays edit controls for the Work Item data fields currently enabled for editing from the Document.

Links section

Displays the type icon, ID, and Title of all Work Items that the currently selected Work Item has outbound links to. Each item is a hyperlink. If the target item is in the same Document, the link leads to the properties of the linked Work Item, which display in this panel and replace the previous information. If the link is to an item external to the Document, the item opens in s separate browser tab or window.

Multiple links are split into categories according to link role — has parent, or implements, for example.

Edit Links

Launches the Linked Work Items dialog that enables users to manage the linking of the Work Item currently selected in the Document.

Documents section

Displays the name of the Document that contains the selected Work Item, and the names of other Documents that the selected Work Item is referenced in (if any). When a reference is clicked it opens the document in a new browser tab.

The number of Document references displayed is set to 20 by default but can be changed via the following property in the file:


(The most recently updated documents appear at the top of the list.)


Due to possible Document optimizations for performance, the displayed result may not accurately represent the total number of times that the Work Item is referenced.


Displays the hyperlinks that are contained within the Hyperlinks section of a Work Item.

Linked Revisions

Displays the first 20 revisions (in alphabetical order) contained within the Linked Revisions section of a Work Item.


Hyperlink and Linked Revision items with long names are truncated, but you can hold the mouse over them to view their full name in their tooltip.

Sidebar settings