Display Recent results

By default, each Test Step displays the Recent drop-down, which lists the Actual Result values from the most recent execution of the step during a Test Run. The Test Case Verdict field displays a similar drop-down with the values of the most recent verdicts. Users can select one of the listed previous results as the result of the current step execution or current Test Case verdict.

You can control how many recent values are displayed in these drop-down lists, or hide the lists completely (not recommended) using the maxRecentItems option in the Test Steps extension element of the Work Item form layout configuration for Test Case type Work Items.

Configuring the number of Recent Test Records Polarion should analyze:

Administrators can define the maximum number of test records to analyze by adding the following property in the polarion.properties file:

com.polarion.alm.ui.forms.extensions.testExtensionRecordsLimit = 20

(The default value is 20)

Polarion starts with the testExtensionRecordsLimit value, eliminates any duplicates or empty results, then displays the maximum number of results defined in the maxRecentItems property.

Configure the number of maxRecentItems to display in the Recent drop-down box

  1. Enter Administration in the scope you want to configure (Global or project).

  2. In Navigation, expand Work Items and select Form Configuration.

  3. In the Form Layouts section of the page, locate the table row for the Test Case type Work Item, and click Edit.

  4. Locate the following line in the configuration editor:

    <extension id="execute-test" label="Execute Test"/>

  5. Add the maxRecentItems option to the line, specifying the maximum number of unique recent items to display to use in the drop-down lists, or 0 (zero) to hide the lists. For example:

    <extension id="execute-test" label="Execute Test" maxRecentItems="10" />


Some project configurations may contain several different types of test cases: System Test Case, Software Test Case, Mechanical Test Case, etc. You will need to perform the above configuration for each of the test case types, assuming the form layout contains the extension element enabling manual Test Steps.