Copy Objects

The command Copy Objects copies the selection and places it onto the clipboard.

  • When you are working with a Frame, the command Copy Objects copies the selected objects to the clipboard.

  • When you are working with a List, the command Copy Objects copies the selected cell or range of cells to the clipboard.


    To copy comments, which you enter into the text box Show Comment, click the right mouse button and select Copy on the context menu!

  • When you are working with a Method, the command Copy Text copies the selected source code to the clipboard.

  • When you are working with an object which you copy in a window in 3D, the command copies the path of the object. You can then paste that path, for example, .Models.Frame.Station into a Method or a Comment.

  • When you are working with an object which you copy in a window in 3D, the command copies the following statement. You can then paste that statement, for example, .Models.Frame._3D.getObject("MyAnimatableObject"), into a Method or a Comment.

  • When you are working with a graphics object which you copy in a window in 3D, the command copies the following statement. You can then paste that statement, for example, .Models.Frame._3D.«method»([0], «Parameters»), .Models.Frame._3D.«method»([0], «Parameters», "Group2"), .MaterialFlow.Robot._3D.getObject("ZAxis").«method»([0], «Parameters»), into a Method or a Comment.

Instead, you can also click the object with the right mouse button and click the button on the mini toolbar above the context menu.

Related Topics


selectionToClipboard for the Frame

copy for Lists

Insert an Object in 3D
