

<Path>.supportedServices -> string[]

The method supportedServices sets or returns the list of the Supported Services.


The name of the service is not case-sensitive, just like the names of attributes and methods of the objects are not case-sensitive.

To save memory and improve access speed, all places which use such an case-insensitive string point to the same string in main memory. The visible and unexpected result is that the first occurrence of the string defines how the string is written in terms of upper- and lower-casing.

In SimTalk you can compare strings in a case-insensitive manner with the == operator, compare Relational Operators.

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type array that contains the supported services.


var a : string[] := ["standard service", "drill"]
Workplace.supportedServices := a
print MyWorkplace.supportedServices

Related Topic

Supported Services