Failed (material flow objects)



The attribute Failed sets if the object designated by <Path> is failed (true) or not (false).

You can also fail the object or remove the failure with the check box Failed.

When you manually fail a station, it remains failed while any of the failure profiles you defined is active. It will change to not failed once the last failure (DisruptionEnd) of the last failure profile ends or when you assign false to this attribute.

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type boolean.


During the reset phase of the simulation Plant Simulation resets all failures.


if MyStation.Failed 
   MyStation.Failed := false

When you set the failed state of a material flow object with the attribute Failed, and you would like to import a Service for removing the failure, you have to use the method name of station.failImp.import.

When you requested the service for removing the failure with the method name of station.failImp.import, you have to release the imported service, after the failure has been removed, with the method name of station.failImp.releaseExporters.

Related Topics

Attributes of the Failure Profiles

Attributes for Failures in the Simplified Notation