Mode (failure profile)



The attribute Mode sets to which time failures of the object designated by <Path> relate: The simulation time, The processing time, or The operating time.

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type string, namely SimulationTime, ProcessingTime, or OperatingTime.


When a station fails, and a pause takes place during the failure, the failure time of the station will still be consumed, although the station is paused. The DisruptionEnd event will not be changed.

When a station, which fails based on the processing time or the operating time and which is interrupted by a pause or failure, the processing time or the operating time of the station for simulating the MTBF will not be consumed. The points in time for the DisruptionBegin event will be moved forward into the future.

Statistics counts the times during which these two states overlap as pause time.

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type string.


MyStation.Failures.MyFailureProfile1.Mode := "OperatingTime"

Related Topic

Failure relates to