


The attribute PauseCtrl designates a Method object. Plant Simulation calls it, whenever you change the Paused state of the object, when you either select an entry in the drop-down list Paused/Planned/Unplanned or you assign another value to the attribute Pause. When you get the paused state within the Method, it shows the state after the change.


The optional parameter Duration of data type real sets the length of the pause. If the length of the pause is unknown, Plant Simulation passes -1. The same happens when the control is called at the end of the pause.

Within the control you can access the paused object with the anonymous identifier ?.

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type method.


print "Current pause ", current.pause
MyStation.pause := current.pause
var shift := root.ShiftCalendar.GetCurrShift
print "Current shift: ", shift
if not current.unplanned 
if current.pause
   current.currIcon := "pause"
   current.currIcon := "working"
Transporter.PauseCtrl := &myPauseCtrl

Related Topic

Pause control

Pause control of the Transporter