Dialog (object)

At times your modeling needs may require that you create a dialog window for an object, which is similar to the built-in dialog windows. With the object Dialog you can:

  • Provide the user with a simple user interface for complex simulation models other users work with. This way you can ask the user to enter information, which Plant Simulation needs to carry out a task.

  • Prevent the user from manipulating a Frame in which you modeled a complex machine, etc. To accomplish this, insert a Method object as an open control into the Frame. Double-clicking the Frame will then not open it any longer, but call the method. The method in turn executes the open control, i.e., it opens the dialog, where the user can then select the settings.

Each Dialog object manages a single dialog window. If you need more than one user-defined dialog windows in your simulation model, insert as many Dialog objects as you need.

  • To create and insert a dialog item, click the right mouse button on the tab Elements and select a dialog item on the context menu, compare Inserting a Dialog Item into Your Dialog.

  • To show the dialog you are creating, click Show Dialog.


    The display window of the object Dialog does not use the standard Siemens PLM theme, but your Windows theme.

  • To edit the position of a dialog item in the dialog you are creating, click Edit Dialog, select it and drag the mouse to a new location.


    The dialog window of the object Dialog uses the standard Siemens PLM theme.

To add the Dialog to your simulation model, click Manage Class Library > Basic Objects > UserInterface > Dialog on the Home ribbon tab.

Compare the sample models: Click the Window ribbon tab, click Start Page > Getting Started > Example Models and click Small Examples. Then, select the respective Category, the Topic, and the Example in the dialog Examples Collection and click Open Model.

Related Topics

Set Parameters for Objects in Your Own Dialog

Methods of the Dialog

Dialog Window of the Object Dialog

Attributes of the Dialog