Graphic Groups

Graphic groups contain the three-dimensional data, which show the object in 3D alternatively or additively. Each 3D object has at least one graphic group, named default, which does not necessarily have to contain graphics. In addition to graphic groups some 3D objects can show a state group. The graphic groups are saved separately in the model file.

The toggle button shows if the graphic groups of the object are inherited or not.

  • A green button means that inheritance is active. Then the object inherits the amount and the names of the graphic groups of its parent object from which it was derived and shares the graphics contained in each graphic group with this object. When you modify the graphics of a parent object origin object, Plant Simulation also changes the graphics of the derived object.

  • An orange button with a minus means that inheritance is not active. Then the object uses its own object graphic groups that have no connection to the graphic groups of the parent object.

You can also activate or deactivate inheritance of the graphic groups of a 3D object when you

Deactivating inheritance for graphic groups cuts inheritance of the graphic groups just as

  • Adding or deleting of graphic groups.

  • Editing their properties.

  • Modifying their graphics or their structure or

  • Exchanging of all graphic groups.

Then Plant Simulation creates an own copy of all graphic groups for the instance.


As cutting graphic inheritance causes graphics to be duplicated and thus increases memory demand, we recommend to make changes in the class object as far as possible to keep graphic sharing for instances.

Activating inheritance for graphic groups restores inheritance of graphic groups and thus applies the graphic groups of the parent object. This means that the instance will loose all changes you made and that it will instead revert to the same graphic structure as the parent object and thus shares all graphics with it again.

Inheritance of the amount, the names and the graphics of graphic groups is independent of inheritance of itsVisibilities. Inheritance of the visibilities of the graphic groups can only be reestablished, when the graphic groups also inherit their graphics.

The table Graphic groups lists the graphic groups of the selected object and their properties. These apply to all 3D windows.

  • The column Name shows the name of the graphic group. You cannot edit or delete the graphic group named default. The name has to be unique within the object. If you change it, inheritance of the graphic groups is cut.

  • The column Generated shows an X if Plant Simulation automatically generated the graphics of the graphic groups. You cannot edit this graphic group nor can you delete it.

  • The check box in the column Internal sets if the graphic group will only be visible within its object and will thus only be used it for its internal decoration, or if it is part of the external representation of the selected object. Changing this setting will cut graphic inheritance.

  • The check box in the column Locked sets if selecting and transforming the graphic group in any 3D window will be prevented or not. Changing this setting will cut graphic inheritance.

  • The check box in the column Visible set if the graphic group is part of the 3D representation of the selected object or not. By selecting this setting you can show the graphic group alternatively or additively to the other graphic groups of the selected object. Additional settings define in which 3D window the graphic group will then be visible. If you clear the check box, the graphic group is invisible everywhere. The names of a graphic groups marked as visible are stored in the model in the attribute _3D.VisibleGraphics. Its inheritance is shown by the state of the toggle button Visibilities.

  • The check box in the column Internal sets for the Frame if the graphic group is only visible within the Frame and will thus only be used for its internal decoration, or if it will be part of the external representation of the selected Frame and will thus be only visible towards the outside. When you change this setting, inheritance of the graphic groups will be cut.


    The setting Internal is only available for the Frame.

In addition, you can:

  • Activate or deactivate inheritance of the Visibilities, i.e., the setting Visible of all graphic groups independent of inheritance of other graphic groups.

  • Add a new graphic group.

    Delete the selected graphic group.

    Edit individual properties of an existing graphic group. Click in the respective row and select or clear the check box.

    Rename an existing graphic group. Click in the respective cell and overtype the name.


    When you add, delete, rename or when you change one of its settings, Plant Simulation cuts inheritance of all graphic groups of the object.

When you defined more than one graphic group for an object, 3D opens the dialog Select Graphic Group when you insert a newly created or an imported graphic. You can then select the graphic group to which you want to add this graphic.

Related Topics

Working with Graphics


Methods for Graphic Groups

Attributes for Graphic Groups

Show 3D Graphic Structure > Inherit Graphics


