


The attribute _3D.PointCloudRotation sets the rotation, i.e., the rotation angle and the rotation axis of the point cloud in the Frame designated by <Path>.

3D interprets the rotation angle as a rotation around the negative z-axis. This corresponds to the rotation angles in 2D.

Data Type of the Assignment Value

You can enter:

  • A number which defines the rotation around the negative z-axis at the position at which you inserted the object. This is the axis that causes a rotation that matches the rotation in 2D.

  • An array with four items, which defines the rotation around the specified axis (values 2 to 4) at the position at which you inserted the object.


.Models.MyFrame._3D.PointCloudRotation := 30 –- rotation by 30 degrees
.Models.MyFrame._3D.PointCloudRotation := [45, 0, 1, 0] –- rotates the point cloud by 45 degrees around the y axis

Related Topic

Edit 3D Properties > Tab Point Cloud > Rotation