Clone activity to a different hull

When you start a plan for a new hull, a previous hull plan is a good starting point because a high level of similarities exist. Therefore, a planner can clone activities from a previous hull plan into the new hull plan. Effectivity rules control which parts and features are included in the target Build Element. Everything is preserved, except effectivity-based changes.

  • The revision rule of the product set of the clone (target) activity is dictated by the new hull.

  • Assignments are mapped to the DE revisions in the clone (target) activity’s product subset.

  • Model views and manufacturing views are cloned with the process element, provided that the product set in the cloned process element maps to the target process element.

  1. Open the Build Element for the previous hull and select the activity you want to clone from the Build Strategy tab.

  2. Click Clone Activity and choose Copy.

  3. Navigate to the Build Element in the destination hull and click Activity Cloning , then choose Paste Clones with link.

    A new activity with the same name, but a different ID, is created. The activity is selected. An origin/based on relation is created between the original object and the cloned object.

    If the target activity has the same subset and the same parts, and the effectivity results in the same parts and part revisions being included, you have no other steps to take. However, if the effectivity dictates that there is a difference in the parts, a report appears showing which assignments were not cloned. The data in this report can be copied into a format of your choice for future reference.