Get a list of desired classified resources

  1. Open the Resource Search.

  2. (Optional) Navigate a Classification hierarchy to filter the components.

    For example, in Resource Search under Classification, select a group such as Manufacturing Engineering.

    After Teamcenter applies the filter, fewer resources are displayed in the right pane.

    The Classification grouping shown in Resource Search may be defined as groups, classes, or abstract classes. For more information, see the Teamcenter Classification Admin documentation.

  3. Continue browsing into the Classification subgroups. For example, select Automation, Robotics, and then Robots.

    As you browse the structure Teamcenter applies additional filters to the results.

  4. Scroll down the left pane to the bottom of the list to see the Classification attributes for this Classification grouping.

    Classification attributes are only shown for the last Classification grouping (classes). However, you can still use the search box to search for Classification attributes at other levels (abstract classes).

  5. (Optional) Enter search criteria to limit the results. For example, for Manufacturer select Fanuc.

    The resources that are located at this level of the structure and have a Manufacturer of Fanuc are shown.