Search for allocated operations in the product BOP from the plant BOP

From the plant bill of process (BOP), you can quickly locate and display allocated operations in the Product BOP pane. This feature allows you to see if the operation is allocated anywhere else, and to find other operations in the same functional group that need to be allocated.

  1. In the plant BOP, open or navigate to a process area or process line that contains process stations.

  2. Select a process station.

  3. Click the Balancing tab.

  4. Click Show Product BOP.

  5. In the Product BOP toolbar, click Show indication information .

    Production Process Planning displays icons next to operations that are allocated to a process area in the line you are balancing. Depending on which icon is next to an operation, you perform a slightly different action to locate the operation in the product BOP.

  6. (Optional) Hover over the icon, then click it to expand the operation in the Product BOP pane.


    The icon indicates that the operation is allocated to this station.

  7. (Optional) Hover over the icon and click it, then select Find source in Product BOP to expand the operation in the Product BOP pane.


    The icon indicates that the operation is allocated to this station, and the properties in the product BOP differ from the properties in the plant BOP.